'Winds of Winter' update: George RR Martin meeting publishers in August, moving to new office

George RR martin described a meeting with his publishers in August as routine, but with the author close to completing “Winds of Winter”, his agent and publishers may be keen on knowing the progress on the writing. The author was racing against time to deliver the book long before the “Game of Thrones” season 7 premiere but has repeatedly failed to meet his self-imposed deadlines.
There could be further delay in finishing the book as Martin grapples with new challenges. In his recent blog post, the author said that he is moving to a new office as the old one gets renovated. He hopes to get settled into his new workspace within a week or so, while his older office gets a new roof and “some cool additions.”
Apart from his office troubles, Martin also has travelling to do in the coming months. Apart from meeting with publishers in New York City, he will also be attending a wedding. After that, he will be going to Worldcon before attending a con in Russia in St. Petersberg.
Martin has cut down on a lot of trips to make room for writing. The author is keenly aware that fans are eagerly waiting for the next book in the popular “A Song of Ice and Fire” book series. For the whole of 2017, Martin has planned only two trips, which he pointed out is the least amount of travel he has done in a year in the past 20 years.
“Game of Thrones” season 7 is scheduled to air in July, and the show once again threatens to reveal more spoilers from “Winds of Winter.” However, both Martin and the producers of the show have repeatedly said in the past that the series is taking a different route yet to the same destination. So there may still be some surprises left in the books even after the show ends.