The death of the popular character Wolverine is imminent. Marvel prepares for the death of the superhero by looking back at all his achievements and also wising the character a happy birthday. Wolverine was first seen 40 years ago as he took on Hulk.

Wolverine first appeared in the comic book "The Incredible Hulk" issue #180. The comic book was released in 1974. In those 40 years the character was seen as a part of the "X-Men" and the "Avengers" team. He also had a brief stint as part of the "Fantastic Four" team.

In the movies the role of Wolverine is played by the Australian actor Hugh Jackman. The actor has played the role in the "X-Men" movies and the 2013 movie "The Wolverine." A sequel to the 2013 movie is expected to be released by 2017. But Marvel is planning to kill the character in the comic books.

Fans of the character will find that the character is very different in the comic books than in the movie adaptations. The costume of the character has also evolved over time, although the bright yellow and blue colour costume is very much the same from the very beginning.

Wolverine is an immortal who has lived through many years without ageing. His wounds heal quickly giving him the ability to sustain major injuries in a battle but still manage to survive. This ability to heal also made him subject to medical experiments, as movie buffs may have seen in the movies.

So, is it possible to kill Wolverine? Movie buffs will remember that a similar question was asked by his former friend and partner Victor Creed, a role played by Liev Schreiber. Hugh Jackman had said that a possible way was to cut off the head.

Meanwhile the never ending fight between good and evil continues in the comic book world. Marvel has come up with a new series called "Wolverine: The Logan Legacy." The series will highlight the impact of the death of Wolverine in the comic book world. Both the heroes and the villains will try to fill the void left by one of the most popular superheroes.

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