Dylan Farrow, the adopted daughter of actress Mia Farrow, came out to the public with an open letter addressed to big time director Woody Allen expressing her dismay over the positive recognition her adoptive father was getting-despite being a sexual abusive pedophile, according to reports.

Dylan described in her open letter how her adoptive father sexually assaulted her in a "dim, closet-like attic". The infamous director had been dogged by sexual assault allegations since 1992, when Mia Farrow and daughter Dylan Farrow brought to the fore the sexual assaults made by Woody Allen. The sexual abuse claims after Woody Allen admitted his sexual relationship with Mia Farrow's other adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn, who was just 19 years old at that time.

However, despite the open-letter made by Dylan, the "Blue Jasmine" director seemed unfazed at a recent Knick's versus Miami Heat basketball game. Allen was spotted having a good time with his long time wife Soon-Yi (also his former adopted daughter) alongside his two adopted daughters Manzie and Bechet.

The open-letter, detailing the horrendous account of sexual assault of the then minor Dylan, caused a public frenzy as fans all over the internet demanded for justice for the victim. The letter was posted on the New York Times. The media outlet announced that Allen's camp refused to comment on the issue.

In addition, according to TMZ, the director once again refused to give answers as he and his camp ducked away from the prying questions of photographers and reporters during the Knick's basketball game.

Meanwhile, other personalities took their dismay to Twitter over the unresolved scandal. In a Tweet, the estranged and lone biological son of Allen and Mia Farrow said that "Missed the Woody Allen tribute-did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before the Annie Hall?"

The tweet was directed towards the recent commemoration and tribute given to the director by the Golden Globe Awards with a Cecil B. DeMille lifetime achievement award. The director did not attend the said tribute-as he publicly expressed his nonchalance for awards.

See Woody Allen and Family Unfazed Pics Here: Woody Allen at Knicks game amid daughter's sexual abuse claims