It seems that Nelly, the Elephant, has competition when it comes to predicting results of the 2014 World Cup that will open on June 12, Thursday.

It's definitely not Paul, the Octopus, which was the star oracle of the 2010 World Cup, since the eight-armed sea creature had already died, but another sea creature named Cabecao or Big Head, the Loggerhead Turtle, reports

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Big Head lives at the Praia do Forte turtle sanctuary, located north of Salvador. The 25-year-old turtle was made to pick the winner of Friday's opening game between Brazil and Croatia by eating a fish that dangled either from the Brazilian and Croatian flag.

Initially, he preferred to eat the fish that hung from a football, which is an indicator of a draw, but Big Head eventually chose the fish from the Brazilian flag, leading the small crowd of onlookers to cheer for the turtle's choice.

In the Chinese province of Sichuan, China is hoping Paul's official oracle title would be passed on to a panda. The animal is now at the Chengdu Research Base and would do the prediction of the winning team by choosing between two pieces of food similar to what the octopus in Germany did in 2010, or climb a tree that has the flag of the opposing teams.