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Now it can be told. Seems German Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's prayers worked better than Argentinean Pope Francis. And sourgraping Brazil is very much elated that archrival Argentina didn't win the coveted World Cup 2014 title.
"They have the best pope, a wonderful pope. That's enough," Barbara Dias, who watched the final game with her husband Diego, told AFP.
Seems Brazilians will never forgive themselves if Argentina had won the international football match against Germany.
"Thank God, thank God that Germany won," Brazilian Caio Ferraz said. "If Argentina had won, they would have made fun of us for years," he added. Ferraz wore the jersey of Rio club Flamengo, which perfectly matches the red and black stripes of Germany's jersey, on Sunday.
Read: World Cup 2014 Finals: A Test of Which Pope's Prayer is More Powerful, Francis or Benedict
Sunday's match was the second most-attended in World Cup history, FIFA said on Twitter.
FANS: This is now the 2nd-most attended #WorldCup in history! Thank you to you all! #joinin - http://t.co/pnaaGOs0Hc pic.twitter.com/xmiI8k7SsY
— FIFAWorldCup (@FIFAWorldCup) July 13, 2014
Before the Germany blasted Argentina by 1-0 to clinch the World Cup 2014 title, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff had symbolically handed over the World Cup to Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in ceremonies inside the Maracana Stadium. Russia will host the 2018 tournament.
"Brazil is very proud for once again having staged the biggest football celebration in the world. In the last 30 days the world has been connected to Brazil, celebrating goals with a lot of emotion in the 12 host cities and making this the World Cup of World Cups," Rousseff said.
But it's a different take, as it has always been, between Argentina and Brazil.
"We never want Argentina to win here in Brazil. Never," Cassio Conceicao said. "Germany respected us even though they thrashed us," he said.
For the Argentineans, seeing the Brazilians supporting the now four-time world champion Germans was perhaps more painful than losing the title crown itself.
"It was a very good game but I'm very sad. Depressed. It was sure they would win and Brazilians wanted us to lose," Diana Rochman, who wore a jersey of with Argentine star Lionel Messi's face plastered on it, said.