Madonna posted a picture on her Instagram account supporting Syria. The post asked the U.S to stay out of Syria for the sake of humanity. There have been growing number of people voicing their concern about the escalating conflict.

Syria is currently embroiled in a civil war. Talks of World War 3 are surfacing in the news due to the situation in the country. An armed insurgency erupted in Syria from a popular movement dubbed the "Arab spring." The movement witnessed thousands of people taking to the streets in nations across the Arab countries.

The movement took a violent turn in some countries and gave birth to an armed struggle in Syria. The government has been trying hard to quell the rebellion.

Madonna's Instagram upload comes in the wake of reports of the use of chemical weapons by the ruling Assad regime. The U.S is reportedly planning airstrikes to help the rebel army fighting to oust the government.

There is wide spread debate in the international community on whether a UN sanctioned intervention in Syria is required. Some countries like China and Russia are opposed to the idea of a military response to the Syrian crises.

Analysts believe that a military strike on Syria could lead to increased oil prices and push the world into another recession. The prospects of another recession may not go down well with emerging economies like Brazil and India.

Countries with a wide gap in their current account deficit are facing difficulties in terms of their currencies. There has been considerable withdrawal of Dollars from these economies to be reinvested in the U.S.

The price fluctuation has made imports very expensive for developing economies. Oil imports are vital for these economies and any increase to the oil price coupled with the currency fluctuations could put these economies in a difficult position.

China seems particularly concerned about this scenario. Both Russia and China are trying to win support in the G20 to stop a military intervention.

Madonna is understood to be opposing the U.S. participation to Syria's conflict from a moral stand point. She got a lot of support from her fans for the post on Instagram. One "Syrian citizen" also gave her a "big thank you for her post.

Social media today is being used to do multiple things by stars these days. It not only helps them to connect with their fans but also helps them raise awareness about issues they care about. It is also sometimes used to fight pitched battles.

Click here to read about Parez Hilton uploading topless images of Lady Gaga in their ongoing feud.

The post by Madonna is perceived to be unconventional because celebrities are known for supporting mostly social and environmental causes. Celebrities rarely comment on political issues.