Say you were to add one of the sexiest men alive, Brad Pitt into the hit series "The Walking Dead", what more could viewers ask for?

Brad Pitt, the star of the latest zombie action-thriller, World War Z, shows a whole new side on a viral pandemic that infects humans in such a way that they are turned into super zombies. Yes, you may think that shooting these infected beings in the head would do the job however these zombies run faster and have the intelligence of a normal human being-now we're doomed.

The movie was directed by Foster and is derived from the novel created by Max Brooks entitled "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War". Pitt plays a former United Nations member who decides to resign at his post to spend more time with his family when a viral pandemic hits the world and creates a zombie apocalypse. He returns to the field to help with using the skills and knowledge he has on such cases in order to stop the pandemic and trace its origins.

The movie has garnered more than the expected opening sales on its first three days according to representatives and is still raking in the dollars. Critics have given both negative and positive reviews on the action-thriller but fans of zombie movies such as "The Walking Dead" are giving two thumbs up for the movie.

The hit series "The Walking Dead" has certainly gotten the attention of viewers and has become one of the top rating series on AMC since the airing of its pilot episode last Oct 2010. It has given life to the zombie apocalypse. In more ways than one, the series has made it possible the movie, World War Z, to gain better and good reviews from people who have gotten into the whole "get-ready-for-a-zombie-apocalypse" day. Today, most people are into watching zombie flicks like it was back in 2011 when vampires were the "it" thing. "The Walking Dead" season 5 is to be aired later in the year.