The world's first Kim Jong-un impersonator who was becoming as famous as the dangerous leader of North Korea is an Australian-Chinese. Howard, is an Australian born in Hong Kong.

He maybe impersonating a dangerous personality but he said he was not afraid of what he was doing.

"...because I'm in Hong Kong and he's in North Korea. What's he going to do? Send his spies to kill a Chinese citizen? It'd be pretty unrealistic. They've got bigger things to worry about."

He refused to reveal his last name because he wanted to separate his job as a musician from his now "keep-on-coming" gigs as Kim Jong-un's impersonator.

Talking with the Vice, Howard said that he first realised his resemblance with NorKor leader the very first time the leader appeared in the news as his father's successor to leadership.

"When he first came on the scene, just before his dad Kim Jong-il introduced him and promoted him to the head of the army or something. I thought, Man, that's my face. Apart from that, I didn't think too much about it. Then a few people pointed it out and I thought about impersonators elsewhere making cash, and realized I could do that, too," Howard said.

Taking his own initiative and some prodding from friends, he then set-up a Facebook Page where he dressed up like Kim Jong-un.

"I got that stupid haircut-it's fucking horrible-and I already owned one of those Mao suits. Back in 1997, I wore it for the Hong Kong handover parties. Also, I've got his body shape and I eat a lot so I've got a double chin-no need for props. I took some photos, uploaded them to Facebook, and an Israeli production house found me. They were producing a commercial for the competitor of McDonald's, Burger Ranch."

He said that offers to do shows as Kim Jong-un flooded after making a commercial for the Israeli production house.

"They specialize in kosher burgers for Orthodox Jews who don't eat meat with cheese. The night before my shoot, they hired the best Barack Obama impersonator, called Reggie Brown, [who made another video in the series about] how the president has one of McDonald's "Big America" burgers, which is a one-inch-thick meat patty. My role was to say, 'Fuck you, Obama, we've got the better burgers at Burger Ranch.' And I blow him up."

Watch video here:

(Credit: Kimmy UM YouTube page)

Now, he had been turning heads in Hong Kong as people were confused if he was the real Kim Jong-un. He charged $HK 5000 ($A714) for party gigs.

(Credit: Barcroft TV YouTube Page)

However, for Howard, impersonating the leader is not just all about the fun and money. He has this personal goal to be instrumental in creating awareness about North Korea's human rights issues.

"I don't really have to do anything to create awareness. Just my presence. It brings the issue up in a light-hearted way. It's important to know about this country ... If they launch a missile, it could start World War Three."

As for the real Kim Jong-un, Howard was never afraid to air his opinion about the man.

"He's a puppet. He's been put there by his aunts and uncles-the people really in charge of the country. He gets to live like an emperor. Why not? But the regime he represents is horrible, there's no joke there. The propaganda... I remember going to the Shanghai Expo in 2010. I went to the North Korean pavilion; there was Iraq, North Korea and Iran right next to each other. The first thing you see on the North Korea board is a sign saying, 'We're the best country in the world.'"