City Paper in Nashville reported, that the judge has bestowed JackWhite's ex-wife Karen Elson restraining order against the singer. It has been reported the singer has purportedly molested his wife in regards to the settlement of their divorce.

As reported by, the order read, "Wife fears for her and the children's safety as a result of this harassment,"

The brawl came to surface when White asked the court for his children custody and Elson denied it by saying that he is not a good parent to Scarlett, 7 ,and Henry ,5.

If the court filing is anything to go by then White had asked, Elson to take out their children from the school where children of other entertainer (whom White blamed of 'ripping off' his music) are also studying.

It has also been known that Elson attended the wedding of the musician whom White holds guilty for stealing his music. However, the name of the musician has not been revealed.

As per Sky News Elson has said in a filing ,that White has a violent temper, sends her emails laced with profanity and calls her derogatory names.

The court order states the reason for their marriage dissolve, is husband's overtly dominating behavior. Elson also told the that she has asked White to attend the family counseling but the later denied

Elson and White first encountered each other in the White Stripes music video, Blue Orchid and got married in 2005.

The couple filed for a divorce for 2011 and subsequently followed it with a divorce party in Nashville.

At present Elson is taking care of the children but White demands more time with his kids. He has mentioned in of the emails "I'm not extending this anymore. And we're not getting lawyers involved to rip me off."

Check out Jack White and Elson in the music video Blue Orchid...