With the qualifying over last May 19, all eyes are now on the FINA World League Super Finals this June. The final qualification matches were played at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre tonight with the big issue who was going to top the women's group of the Asia-Oceania zone.

A blistering 6-2 second quarter by the world No 2 Aussie Stingers proved devastating for the No 3 China with the Aussies finishing 9-7 ahead. Both teams went into the match equal on points and a 2-2 opening quarter was what was expected. However, the game secretary was kept busy as the Aussies shook off China at 3-3, swapped goals and then rattled in three unanswered goals in two minutes to close the half at 8-4. The dour, physical second half went China's way, keeping Australia scoreless in the final 2-0 quarter.

Stingers captain Bronwen KNOX and China's MA Huanhuan scored three goals each in a night for centre forwards. Australia's Holly LINCOLN-SMITH also scored twice from two metres. The win was gained as China had the better of the foul count, managing to convert five from seven on extra, plus a penalty goal compared to Australian none from two attempts - testament to Australia's shutdown ability on six on six.

New Zealand collected its first win with a nine-goal turnaround against Japan from the first leg in Auckland the previous week. The Kiwis won the first quarter 3-1 but trailed 5-4 at halftime and 6-5 at the final break. The leveller came at the top of the fourth and the winner with just under five minutes remaining, courtesy of Ashley SMALLFIELD with her second.

The Aussie Sharks men beat China 9-5 thanks to a 4-1 second half. Pan NING brought China to 6-5 at 6:21 in the third but the Sharks closed shop and kept the Chinese scoreless for more than 14 minutes.

Japan, still smarting from the loss to China the night before and missing the Super Final, thrashed New Zealand 20-5 with a 9-2 closing quarter in which Koji TAKEI scored four of his five goals. New Zealand had no answer for the faster Japanese who improved on their 17-3 effort of the week before.

Now it is up to the Australians and Chinese to represent Asia-Oceania at the Super Finals this month.