Last week, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) apologised to a streaming website owner for taking down his Facebook page. In order to make up for the inconvenience cause, WWE lawyer offered a complimentary goodie bag, however it became clear that the he wanted to track him down.

WWE is known for safeguarding its copyrights. For years, the entertainment company has forced fan sites to surrender their domains that include the brand name in their URL.

TorrentFreak reported that Matthew Winterroth was the mastermind behind closing down a page by Wresting-Network. It was a site about WWE streams. BeBe, the operator of Wrestling-Network, was asked to contact the lawyer in order to solve the issue.

Later, BeBe left Facebook and created a Twitter account. However, in summer, WWE with the help of PayPal disabled BeBe's account used to fund the site. Also, Facebook closed down Wrestling-Network's page as well as BeBe's personal page.

"My Facebook page was removed, care to share why?" wrote BeBe in an email.

Winterroth replied that there must have been some mistake.

"What is your name, address and Facebook page that was potentially inadvertently removed and I'll look into it," wrote Winterroth.

BeBe shared his Facebook page address. Winterroth asked him to reply his name and address so that he can send a gift bag with WWE items. Yet, BeBe did not accept the offer.

"I mean, I heard a long time ago about a case where in order to arrest them on US territory, some guys were attracted to the USA by undercover FBI agents who promised them money and girls, but a gift bag from WWE? Really? He could at least given me some WrestleMania tickets."

Later, the WWE threatened BeBe that the company has his address and knows about his whereabouts. BeBe openly challenged WWE to visit his Romania home with SWAT or Police teams.

It has to be seen how WWE will respond to this challenge. Meanwhile, Financial Post reported that WWE stocks rose by 35% after a takeover speculation.