'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Cast Hugh Jackman
'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Cast member Hugh Jackman and Fan Bingbing take photos as Peter Dinklage (L) waves to fans at the South East Asia premiere of X-Men: Days Of Future Past in Singapore May 14, 2014. REUTERS

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" star Hugh Jackman is but a mere mortal being, who holds no healing powers contrary to his role as Wolverine. The Australian actor, who holds the "Wolverine" character for 14 years, recalls the many times he has been hurt by his metallic "claws".

Hugh Jackman, according to Yahoo, has suffered his share of punctures and painful injuries while shooting for his role as Wolverine in the "X-Men" franchise or from "Wolverine". With countless sets of razor-sharp claws, the 45-year old actor recounts his worst on-set "self-mutilation" trauma.

In 2000, while filming the original "X-Men," a scene required Hugh Jackman to drop down the side of the exterior of the Statue of Liberty. Yahoo reports that while dropping down, his Wolverine claws got caught in his harness near his manhood. Jackman recalled screaming so much but the film just kept rolling because the crew figured he was just "primal-yell emoting". Likewise, he nearly smashed his head during a stunt when he flew off-course past the lens while dangling from a wire. He swung straight into the stationary camera and when he turned his head at the last minute, his Wolverine claws clipped his right ear.

In 2003, while filming "X-Men 2," Hugh Jackman said he nearly castrated himself with his Wolverine claws. According to Daily Mail, the actor attempted to cover his naked manhood from the eyes of the female crew who surprised him while he was shooting a naked scene. He had insisted on a closed set for the nude stunt. In his surprise at seeing the women when he stepped out naked, he immediately covered his manhood, forgetting about the claws. "Luckily," his manhood remained intact as only his upper left thigh was hurt.

In "X-Men 2," Hugh Jackman overdid the follow-through with his Wolverine claws and nipped himself next to his left eye. According to Yahoo, the wound still leaves a visible one inch scar. Jackman said he had no control of his limbs at that time.

In "Wolverine," a stunt required Hugh Jackman to swing from the inside of a speeding bullet train to the outside (video clip below). However, according to Blastr, his neck got caught in the opening of the train and the actor thought he had broken his neck. He escaped the accident with minor injuries. From then on, Jackman has become more careful about the stunts that he performs, choosing those he can do from those that require a stunt man.

Source: Youtube/The Wolverine