One of the games that will hugely use the Xbox One's Kinect 2.0 is Kinect Sports Rivals. It's coming to the Xbox One after a delay that pushed it back to 2014.

The new and definite release date is on April 8, which includes North America, Australia and New Zealand. Gamers in Europe can expect the game to land on April 11.

*Captain Price may be coming in for the next DLC for Call of Duty: Ghosts: Read the story here.

Aside from the new sports that will be joining the previously announced ones like soccer, tennis and bowling, IGN reported there will be new ones like climbing, wake racing and target shooting.

Beyond that, another new feature would be the new system of captains and teams, where you have the players who can choose from the three teams, namely the Wolf Clan (led by Vargu and is more primal and uninhibited in nature), the Eagle Legion (led by Blake and maintains honour and loyalty in their victories) and the Viper Network (led by Zara and, as the name suggests, has craftiness and ambition at its core).

Xbox One Controller Gets Tweaks For Titanfall

Any problems and glitches that come with the Xbox One controller may have been fixed in time for the much-awaited Titanfall experience once the beta debuts for the select few or once the game hits Xbox One for all others on March.

*A new community mission is now available for the Battlefield 4 community, and the price is, once again, another Gold Battlepack: Check out the details here.

Microsoft is looking at Titanfall and its potential as the game that will put the Xbox One on the spotlight ahead of its competitor PS4. The Verge reported Microsoft is already hard at work trying to iron out the ruffles with the Xbox One controller in response to the Titanfall developer's request.

"It's just fixing the controller input, really. It wasn't really where we felt it should be; it was a little overly twitchy with the current controls. Now it's fixed. We're happy with it," Designer Lead Justin Hendry to The Verge. This means that gamers should expect a software patch before they start playing with Titanfall. But the actual fixes will go beyond Titanfall since there will surely be other games that will benefit from the fixes.

Why the Update Seems Taking Longer

Since the Xbox One system update for the month is still delayed to sometime later in the week, Xbox community's Major Nelson takes it upon himself to reveal a little about their plans for the Xbox One and how the timelines work in its case.

*Microsoft has already revealed the details and dates related to its upcoming Xbox One Stereo Headset and Adapter: Read here for more.

"We've got a lot of great stuff in store for Xbox One. It took years for the Xbox 360 to become a mature, feature laden platform. We've got the same long game planned for the Xbox One," he said over at Reddit as quoted by Forbes.

This may be the long way of saying to Xbox One gamers to be patient. Obviously, the Xbox One has a long way to go from being the console that was promised at the start. It's understandable that it has timelines to meet, especially with rival Sony also working the kinks of the PS4.

But the report also said taking cues from the evolution of the Xbox 360 is a good sign, considering how Microsoft's current-gen console has transformed over the years. The transformation of the Xbox One into the promised next-gen console will come earlier, making the gamers enjoy a console that's really advanced and fit for the next-generation of gaming.