Commissioner Bud Selig is done with New York Yankees third baseman, Alex Rodriguez.

The A-list baseball player, Alex Rodriguez, is set to be served with a lifetime suspension while eight others face suspension before the weekend.

Final and formal announcement on the punitive suspension will be given on Thursday or Friday.

According to the famous major league baseball player's lawyer, David Cornwell, the suspension would not be received quietly. The player is prepared to fight any suspension, no matter how severe.

The eight other players are anticipated to be suspended on 50 games. None of them have plans of appealing if such is formally announced.

While only 9 of them have been implicated, A. Rod included, reports claimed that as many as 20 players have been linked to Biogenesis, the Miami clinic facing allegations of supplying performance-enhancing drugs to these players. However, other players cannot be held accountable for lack of proof.

Aside from Rodriguez, All-Stars player of the Texas Rangers, Nelson Cruz as well as Detroit Tigers' Jhonny Peralta and shortstop Everth Cabrera of Sad Diego Padre also face possible game bans.

Rodriguez is implicated for his intake of performance-enhancing drugs for two years, from 2010 to 2012, based on Biogenesis documents.

Last Tuesday, findings in relation to the performance drugs investigation were reported to the Major League Players Association officials by Rob Manfred, Major League Baseball Executive Vice President of Labor Relations. Violations of the drug policy are handled with strict punishments. Players who violate this policy can expect to be met out with at least 50 game bans.

Players who would not be suspended for life, and who are expected to receive 50 game bans are not in a better position themselves. With more or less 50 games remaining for the regular season, this would mean their own careers have, for this season at least, ended prematurely.