By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena

I joined Twitter. Not because I am curious what this celebrity has to say about her kids, or to read that another one is waiting for a connecting flight, impatiently. Twitter allows me to follow news and commentary sources such as Dow Jones' Marketwatch, Bloomberg News and the Wall Street Journal. It assists me in keeping up with what is happening across the globe, while I am observing and analysing financial markets myself.

While I am on Twitter, reading a quote here and a news flash there, I offer my own succinct insights and commentary. Those amongst you who have already discovered the virtues of a Twitter account can add my Tweets to their daily news via @filapek.

For those who have no intention to join Twitter, but would like to stay up to date, below are my Tweets from the week past:

- Volume on ASX averaging $4.53m a day, 13% below 2011 average, lowest since 2005 (av $3.55m)

- Anyone still paying attention? Four week average of US jobless claims is trending HIGHER, plus past revisions always seem to be upwards

- The biggest reason why a Greek exit doesn't have to bring another Lehman 'moment' is people have had 2 years to prepare for it, reminds DBS

- At least one country will leave eurozone in next five years, according to survey of central bank reserve managers

- The secret to life? Michael Lewis explains what every person -investor or not- should take on board (to never forget)

- Underlying message: revisions imply US retail sales began Q2 weaker than previously assumed, plus they finished Q1 with less momentum

- Tried to observe financial markets closely this week. Now I have whiplash. Silly me! At least my brain is not trying to make sense out of it

- David Rosenberg Channels Felix Zulauf

- BAML survey: Asset allocators underweight equities for first time in 7 mnths; commodity exposure at the lowest level since February 2009

- Concludes Citi: Italy will, at some point, require some form of financial assistance. Debt/GDP ratio set to rise for an extended period

- UBS strategists reiterate outlook for equities is made up of lower returns, greater importance for sustainable dividends

- Dennis Gartman says equity markets are running on "lunacy". Old wise men prefer the sidelines under such circumstances...

- Credit Suisse Explains "The Real Issue", And Why There Is Two Months Tops Until France Is In The Bulls Eye

- Meanwhile in the background... Citi reiterates bearish view on resources on 5-yr horizon; neutral 6-mths view on dividend support for majors

You can add my regular Tweets on Twitter via @filapek