If you're the faint-hearted type, this is not for you. But for thrill-seeker adventurers, this video on YouTube of a Saudi daredevil man texting while above the hood of a speeding car could give them the much needed adrenaline rush.

Posted on May 31, the video showed a man, garbed in the traditional Saudi Arabian dress complete with headscarf, on top of a car presumed to be hitting 90 mph as it travelled along a dual carriageway road. The unknown man seemed to be texting.

Now even non-drivers know the hazards of texting while driving. But this man, he was not driving. Rather, he was a car passenger but not inside the car. He was not even wearing a seatbelt but seemed to be performing some acrobatic pirouette outside of the car, on top of its hood and speeding at that.

The Saudi man, in the two-minute video, seemed unperturbed by the potential looming disaster, but is aware of the camera of the passenger on the other car focused on him.

It is not known what had happened to the Saudi daredevil man and the tinted sedan after their adrenaline-pushing stunt since the other car that filmed them drove off to another direction.

One thing for sure though. He expects to see his stunt on video, which had been viewed 1.5 million times.

Check it out here.