13-Year-Old Boy Saves Family From Burning House In Maryland; Juggles Between Calling 911 And Ensuring Family Is Okay

A 13-year-old boy, Marcus, was praised for impeccably instructing the firefighters on how to rescue him, his younger sister, mother and stepfather from their burning house in Clinton, Maryland, United States on Sunday morning. Marcus’ call to the 911, which lasted for 11 minutes, was released.
Reports said that Marcus spotted the smoke clouding the house, so he called 911 for help. From the audio recording, he could be heard juggling between providing crucial information to the 911 dispatcher and checking on his family. Marcus remained calm throughout the call.
There were several instances during the phone conversation when Marcus was calling out to everyone at home to ascertain whether they were fine. He informed the 911 dispatcher how many people there were in the house.
The call became dramatic when a young girl’s voice was heard from the background, saying “We are going to die,” but the brave Marcus hushed her while pleading not to say those words. He then told the dispatcher the rescuers should go up the steps at the back hallway and proceed through the black door to the right.
It can also be observed from the call Marcus’ love towards his sister as he paused in providing directions to the dispatcher to beckon his sister Aaliyah to move to his side. He even cautioned her to stay low to the door.
When the fire fighters finally came to their house, they crushed the wrong window. So Marcus informed the dispatcher he and his sister were in the other room, beside the one where the rescuers first attempted to break in. Kevin Ward, fire lieutenant for 25 years at Prince George’s County Fire Department, arrived at the scene and went straight to rescue Marcus and Aaliyah.
ABC News said Ward was rescuing Marcus when the former felt Aaliyah was tugging his leg. He immediately took off his air mask and put it on the girl. The boy and his younger sister were then rushed to Children’s Hospital for medical attention while three adults were sent to MedStar. ABC News added the injuries the victims sustained were non-life threatening.
Investigators are still probing on what caused the fire, which seemed to have started near the computer. You can listen on the recorded 911 call below.
Credits: YouTube/ Matt Gould
For comments or feedback on the article, contact the writer at kizmet@ymail.com.