April Fools' Day pranks are a dime a dozen in the gaming world--and some of them can catch you when you're not looking at the date.

Sony and Respawn Entertainment are in the running for pulling off two of the most insane April Fools' Day jokes, while EA bags the prize for being the most insensitive and crass.

The PS Travel Station

PlayStation Japan takes the cake for being ambitious, considering its April Fools' Day joke. It introduced the PS Travel Station, a new service that takes realistic gaming to the next level.

Did you love the Seattle that Sucker Punch Productions created in inFamous: Second Son? Do you want to see the environment where Knack was set in? Do you want to explore the "military paradise" in Killzone: Shadow Fall?

Well, the new travel service lets you book a trip to those places and more. You can go on a seven-day tour in the Knack ancient ruins with a commemorative photo or a four-day tour in inFamous: Second Son's Seattle, but the price tag and the idea of space travel alone should have rung the April Fools' bell.

But kudos to PlayStation Japan for even providing accommodations and travel details that come with your choice of tour destination.

Ali123.net was able to have a snapshot of the ads for each of the "offered destination," so if you want to dream, it's not yet too late.

TheTitanfall Monster DLC with Optimus Prime

Titanfall is possibly one of the most sought after games as of the moment, so any news on expansion packs would have been a very welcome thought.

So when a Monster DLC for Titanfall popped up, fans became excited. More so when the released trailer featured Optimus Prime as one of the playable robots, as well as the fact that it will be dropping on April 1.

That alone is already a good hint that, yes, sadly, even if a cool idea like Optimus Prime is docking into Titanfall, it's not going to happen. Wall Street Cheat Sheet spotted the trailer, which originated from IGN, the real source of the prank.

In the video, the narration ends with "We must look to the stars," which cues in Optimus Prime. The Transformer then joins the battle with a golden axe and starts hacking away at Titans, then turns on his invisibility mode as he sneaks in behind another.

The fact that Optimus Prime says, "Titans, roll out" at the end should have topped the cake, but of course, fans still missed it. That or they may have been really hoping for a killer DLC sometime soon.

EA's Wii U prank--in bad taste

Usually, the definition of a mean April Fools' prank can either be the slight jab to another brand or mean for fans who have really hinged on the joke (just see the Titanfall DLC). But EA went a tad too far with its own brand of "humorous" tweets.

Spotted by Thirteen1.com, the tweets are no longer up on the official Frostbite Engine Twitter, but snapshots of it have been gathered. Some of them are as follows"

"Frostbite now runs on the #WiiU since it is the most powerful Gen4 platform, our renderer is now optimized for Mario and Zelda."

"Good news, we have finally fixed and optimized our 'netcode.' Uses quantum entanglement for Zero Latency connections. Exclusively on #WiiU."

While EA has already posted an apology via Peter Moore on his own Twitter, which calls the April Fools' prank as unacceptable and stupid, but GameSpot reports that a lot of people found it too little too late, as the tweets were nothing to laugh at.

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