The iOS 7.1 may not be the most stable OS in terms of crashes when compared with the Android Kitkat 4.0, but it does have a neat glitch that may be useful for those who want to clean the apps page on their iPhones.

Apparently the newfound glitch allows you to get rid of pre-installed apps on the iPhone, including the likes of Newsstand and Stocks, reports Phone Arena. The report also states that a YouTube video has already been made as a step-by-step instruction guide that users can follow in case they want to get rid of those apps on their iPhone 5S, iPhone 5, and other iPhones that have been installed with an iOS 7.1

Sadly, even though the apps are already out of sight, they are not out of the storage capacity of the iPhone either. What the glitch does is to create a new folder where you can store all of the unwanted apps so you won't have to deal with them when you are going through your aps list.

And another note to remember: rebooting your iPhone with the iOS 7.1 will bring back the unwanted apps in sight, so you would have to follow the video again, at least until Apple finds the glitch and goes to work on a software update to deal with it.

A 5.5-inch display announced by Apple's Japan supplier: The iPhone 6?

Since the iPhone 6 is one of the most anticipated smartphones that is yet to debut or have any of its many rumours confirmed in some way, this new announcement of a 5.5-inch display from Japan Display has been speculated as a possible iPhone 6-related release.

CNet reports that the company has announced the development of a 5.5-inch Quad HD "WQHD" display that bears a resolution of 1440 x 2560 pixels. What's more, the report states that Japan HD will start shipping by April, something that can mean that the iPhone 6 announcement may not be that far into the future.

In addition to this, the fact that the resolution is a slight improvement than what can be seen in the iPhone 5S, it won't be a surprise if this is a screen meant for the iPhone 6.

"Typically, Apple wants 'first dibs' on the new part, so it's a little surprising that JDI is announcing this now. We don't expect to see the iPhone 6 until 2H 14," said Paul Semenza, senior VP at NPD DisplaySearch.

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