For days now, the 2013 Dance of the Planets Jupiter, Mercury and Venus have been displaying a remarkable view as the three planets group together in the western evening sky. More images of the planetary conjunction captured worldwide are shared on the Internet for online viewers to see.

On Tuesday, May 28, the bright planets Venus and Jupiter were in conjunction to make a single field of view for spectators with binoculars or telescopes. Mercury, on the other hand, shines brighter and rises higher than Jupiter or Venus in the night sky.

Viewer John Lybrand was able to capture the clear view of the bright planets formation in Las Vegas. "I knew the conjunction was going to be in the west and I can see the Stratosphere to my west, so I just needed to find a place to shoot from. I scouted around the area and found a vacant lot next to a road that had a good view," Lybrand shared.

Dave Walker had a cloudless view of the sky from Bilinge in northwestern England so he captured the rare phenomenon. "I went up to Bilinge Lump, as it is the only elevated vantage point near where I live with clear views in all directions, so I could capture both this event in the West and the full moon rising in the East. I was very lucky, as it has been cloudy almost every day beforehand and since!" Walker exclaimed.

In Ontario, Garner Haines captured an image of the planetary conjunction while loading his groceries in the car. "I had just finished grocery shopping at the Soby's nearby and could see Jupiter and Venus over the roof of the building as I loaded by groceries into my car. I realized they were visible with the naked eye and that I might be able to catch the alignment on 'film'," Haines stated, further adding that he found out about the event on astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Twitter feed.

Another witness named Martin Proudfoot took a picture of the 2013 Dance of the Planets from Edmonds, Washington which is a suburb at north of Seattle.

Alessandro Strano captured the stunning view of planets Jupiter, Mercury and Venus from his home in Catania, Italy.

Teale Britstra took a great image of the planetary conjunction in Brisbane, Australia. "I was lucky to capture the conjunction yesterday because I've had cloud on my western horizon for the last few days. Luckily, they cleared at the last minute so I found a position in my front yard where I could see all three planets. That was harder than it sounds, because of all the surrounding trees, though I found a spot wedged between fence and a tree that worked," Britstra shared.

The three planets will continue to form a noticeable low arrangement on May 29 at the western horizon 45 minutes after sunset. The 2013 Dance of the Planets will be within a 5 degree circle formation up in the sky with rotating positions until the planets' vertical alignment happens on May 30 and May 31.