Since Microsoft just unboxed the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 tablets, the tech giant has no immediate plans to release yet the speculated Surface Mini. CNET reports that the likely timetable for the Surface Mini would be sometime in 2014.

PC World explains the 2014 timetable to Microsoft designing the smaller table to coincide with the Windows 8.1 release during the Spring 2014 GDR as the Windows Blue update.

Microsoft actually has not confirmed the Surface Mini, but tech Web sites cite the "too much evidence" that such a device is coming soon amid an admission from Microsoft's Steve Balmer that the bulk of the tablet market is on smaller, entertainment-focused devices.

In 2012, there were rumours of an upcoming Xbox Surface tablet with a 7-inch display and screen resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels to fill in the entertainment gap for the Surface brand.

By delaying the release of a Surface Mini, it would allow the hardware partners of Microsoft to release their offerings in the market. But PC World warned that as time passes with no credible tablet alternative to the Google Nexus 7, the Kindle Fire HDX or the iPad Mini, Microsoft would risk being forgotten by its loyal followers.

Another question that Microsoft users want to be addressed is if the tech giant would also offer a trade-in programme for older Surface tablets so they can upgrade to the newly released next-gen Surface models.

They asked that question to Microsoft developers, engineers and programme managers hosting a Reddit Ask Me Anything chat on Monday afternoon. However, they had no answers yet to the question.

"My Surface RT has been greatly devalued by both price and a new version available in less than a year. Microsoft owes it most loyal buyers and first movers a quality trade-in program," PC World quoted hoosiers99.

The question is in response to Microsoft's trade-in programme covering old iPads in exchange for vouchers initially worth $200 increased later to $350, which could be used to buy the new Surface tablets.