Jack Bauer is back! Four years after Fox's acclaimed TV series "24" ended, Kiefer Sutherland returns for a 12-episode follow-up series entitled "24:Live Another Day." It follows Jack Bauer on the run in London following the events that took place in Season Eight.

Four years is a long time and a lot has changed since "24" ended on May 10, 2010. To commemorate its upcoming four-year "death" anniversary, below is a list of 24 changes that have happened while "24" was gone. Details are gathered from Wikepedia and Mashable.

1) Fox now owns MySpace (MySpace is a social networking site with a strong emphasis on music sharing.)

2) Palm and webOS No Longer Exist (HP bought Palm company in May 2010 and pulled the plug on webOS and killed-off Palm)

3) Vampires are Out, Zombies Are In (The birth of "The Walking Dead" and its success has captured the world.)

4) North Korea has a new leader (Kim Jong Un took over his father Kim Jong II following his death on Aug 24, 2011.)

5) Steve Jobs Died (Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs died on Oct 5, 2011.)

6) Rihanna Gets Scandalous (The singer exposed her naked breasts on Instagram for everyone to see.)

7) Windows XP is dead (Microsoft stopped offering technical support for Windows XP in April 2014)

8) New Pope (Pope Francis was elected after the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI in 2013)

9) Star Wars VII (Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012 and the new Star Wars VII is expected to hit theatres winter 2015.)

10) Prince William Is Married (The Duke of Cambridge married long time girlfriend Kate Middleton in 2010.)

11) The Royal Couple Has a Son (Prince William married Kate Middleton in 2010 and now they have a son, Prince George.)

12) "The Tonight Show" Has A New Host (Jay Leno has left and replaced by ex-"Saturday Night Live" host Jimmy Fallon.)

13) Iphone now in gold colour (In May 2010, it was still Iphone 3gs in black or white colour. Now there's the Iphone 5s in three colours including white with gold.)

14) Instagram has a new owner (Facebook bought Instagram in 2011 for $1 billion following its release in October 2010.)

15) Edward Snowden Is Famous (Former NSA contractor revealed the depths of the NSA's Internet surveillance operations, now U.S. citizens don't trust the NSA.)

16) Ducks are making a hit (The birth of American Reality TV show Duck Dynasty in 2012 with a reported $80 million sales in advertising.)

17) 3D TV flopped (According to Mashable it was supposed to be a consumer electronics trend in 2010.)

18) PS4 Gaming (Sony released its new gaming console on Nov 15, 2013.)

19) Return of Arrested Development (The iconic Fox show returned in 2013 Via Netflix.)

20) New "Doctor Who" (Oscar-winner Peter Capaldi plays the Twelth Doctor.)

21) Google + (Replaced Google Buzz)

22) Google Reader (Killed by Google himself in July 2013.)

23) LA Clippers for Sale (Then Clippers owner David Sterling has been "banned for life" from NBA after racist comment on black people.)

24) Instagram Video (Initially a photo sharing app, now Instagram users can upload a 15-second video and share to the world.)