The smoke still hasn't cleared after The Avengers smashed the box office. Two weeks after the movie premiered, people are still agog to see the film.

For comicbook and film lovers, nothing sends the geek blood surging into overdrive than the marriage of these two media. Seeing the superheroes come to life is truly a sight to behold.

A sight deserving of critical viewing, as well.

The rise of YouTube and social media not only increased the public's interest, it also raised the bar on how these adaptations should fare vis-à-vis the source. Here's my own take on the best movie depictions in the last decade.

Top Three Comicbook Character Portrayals

Iron Man (as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr.)

Witty. Charming. Annoyingly likeable. Tony Stark aka Iron Man might just have been written exclusively for Robert Downey Jr.

From Stark's "humble" beginning as a genius-playboy-billionaire weapons developer to his evolution to a more caring and responsible crimefighter, Robert Downey Jr. took the character's development as smooth as his wisecracks. Iron Man might have the biggest flaw there is - his ego - but he made the character likeable because he did not apologize for it. He is what he is, flaws and all.

Plus, his flying armor has a coolness level of 10.

The Incredible Hulk (by Mark Ruffalo)

He might be the newest actor in this genre, but Mark Ruffalo made everyone forget about Edward Norton.

Ruffalo took the Jekyll-and-Hyde demons of Dr. Bruce Banner and made it his own alter-ego. Ruffalo's acting, especially his I-am-doing-yoga manner of speaking, lend credence to the I-am-trying-my-best-to-be-calm efforts of Banner.

Joker (by Heath Ledger)

Forget about Jack Nicholson - the late Heath Ledger IS the Joker.

Psycho. Villain to the core. With a hint of the blackest humor. Heath Ledger owned the character the way he owned his nemesis, Batman. He was not only the perfect foil to the Dark Knight's, he became Batman's personal demon. Ledger's acting delivered the most terrifying villain the public has seen in years. And no one, not even Batman, has forgotten that.