Users of iOS devices such as iPad and Mac are mostly joyful once they get their hands on these Apple-made gadgets. Most of the users who have switched from Windows or Android to iOS come to that realisation with a pleasant surprise from the new experience.

However, some people have found odd glitches or something lacking in their iOS devices. Even though, Apple has made amazing and powerful devices, no perfect unit has ever been made yet, techies have observed.

To improve speed, here are five tips for Mac and iPad users.

1. Clear out the clutter

Bad file management is the most common practice among users with today's devices. Data left lying around will eat up the hard drive especially if these data consists of thousands of pictures and music files. Copy the iTunes and iPhoto libraries to external hard drives to free up space of your devices.

2. Run only what is needed

Do not leave tons of application open and leave only certain apps that are necessary. Multimedia and gaming apps uses a lot of RAM and not only the memory suffers but the battery as well.

3. OS Update

Updates are released for a reason; it improves the quality and overall performance of the operating system. Older systems can cause sluggishness which makes the device feel slow. Clean installation is the best mode of update to the latest firmware.

4. Restart regularly

The iOS is designed to be left running for long periods of time and will perform maintenance as it runs, but a refreshing sleep by restarting the devices frees RAM and prevents some technical issues like hanging or auto-restart.

5. Time Machine

It is an excellent backup system which will save the device during emergency. The feature is set at hourly intervals which eat precious resources in these settings, to save RAM and other resources, put the Time Machine in manual and check it regularly to make your own backup whenever you desire.