It has been six months since the debut of Nexus 7 at the Google's annual developer conference and it is an attractive device especially for readers. Some users are confused if they still want to squint their eyes just to read through the smartphone and suffer a double $200 price tag or get a mini tablet or a bigger one from Samsung.

Nexus 7 have several points why it is a wiser choice for users who want to read a lot of books using digital devices and why it's better than larger devices.

1. Nexus 7 is very light and has the perfect size between a smartphone and a bigger tablet.

2. The device can be held with only one hand needed, fits inside a pocket or purse, making it very portable while traveling.

3. It has full Android OS which makes Google Play store accessible to almost anything. Unlike its rival, Kindle Fire holds only libraries from limited catalogue of books, games and movies which are available from Amazon.

4. Lower price compared to full-priced smartphones which are commonly smaller than the Nexus 7.

5. Against a phablet such as Galaxy Note 2 which has 5.5-inch display screen, the Nexus 7 has a larger size but with a lower price. Galaxy Note 2 costs about $300 from network carriers under two-year contract.

6. Nexus 7 costs around $200 and it is a bargain compared to larger tablets and high-end smartphones which lacks the needed size for that comfortable reading.

If you are still tight on budget, one good news is the release of a smaller mini-tablet. Google has announced a cheaper version of the Nexus 7 and some reports indicated that Google is readying it under a $99 price tag.

Reports said the good sales of the Nexus 7 are expected to be sustained in 2013. DigiTimes reported that Nexus was projected to sell more than 1 million units in December 2012 alone, while prior months logged sales hovering between 700,000 and 800,000 units.