The Digital Age continues in 2013 and will possibly span more decades until everything is about robotics, droids, and artificial intelligence. In 2012, computers have evolved into touchscreen notebooks with flexible form modes such as separating from its keys or forming a tent for better movie experience. Mobile phones have reached the smartphone era with screens responding to touch, social network access, Wi-Fi connection, and several more applications using the smallest sensors.

Aside from the obvious of technological advancement from Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and the developments of arising new players in mobile technology, there are more innovations going on in the science and technology fields.

Here are six technologies predicted to possibly go first this new year of 2013.

1. Flexible Touch Sensors

News from several phone manufacturers such as LG, Nokia and Samsung reveals the upcoming breakthrough in highly flexible film-based touch sensor screens installed in mobile devices. But the innovation is not limited to this set of digital devices. Tablets and television sets can also have flexible screens, while computers and notebooks one day may have such screens, and even sunglass-like hanging on the ear like the Google Glass is already being development for consumers. Flexible screens can have larger, lighter, sleeker, curved, and edgeless design features for handheld devices.

2. PlayStation 4 & Xbox 720

PS3 and Xbox 360 are dominants in console gaming with impressive features and graphics. A new edition of the two devices - PS4 & Xbox 720 could be released in late 2013 or in 2014 which will have substantial and obvious performance and graphical power. PS4 is codenamed as "Orbis" with AMD x64 CPU and AMD Southern Islands GPU, having up to 4000 x 2000 display resolution. Xbox 720 is codenamed "Durango" with IBM Power PC CPU which has 16 cores and Radeon HD 7000-series GPU set.

3. Full-body Scanners

A bill titled S.A.F.E.R. A.I.R. Act in the U.S. will make full-body scanner mandatory in airports. If passed into a law, it will be enforced in 2013. Basically it is a promising security measure to detect hidden objects without the need to remove any clothing. However, the system is still being debated due to privacy issues, security flaws, and possible countermeasures against it.

Ahead of its U.S. launch, the Sydney and Melbourne Airports installed the controversial device at the two gateways, while the technology is being tested also in U.S. jails.

4. The Cloud is more intelligent than a mere stockroom clerk

The use of Cloud technology in almost any mobile and computing devices to store data and files requires constant development in storage and security can make it act as a virtual agent instead as a regular store clerk junkie. It won't be long before your iCloud system starts designing family menus on weekly basis, fitness program, and even taste preferences.

5. Junk Energy to be harnessed

Using recyclable energy is never a bad thing and using "junk" energy like noise vibration is another good thing to be used for our everyday gadgets. Georgia Tech researchers are now developing ways for converting microwave energy into DC power which could be used for small devices.

6. Breath analyzer detects infectious disease

A sensor chip is coated with nanowires to detect chemical compounds which can detect presence of microbes is being developed at Stony Brook University's Single Breath Disease Diagnostics Breathalyzer. In the near future, it will make an iPhone or Android smartphone detect lung cancer or squeal "Anthrax" once exposed to it.