It sure is not looking good for AC Milan’s midfielder, Gennaro Ivan Gattuso, who is looking to probably a very long rest after the head-butting incident Wednesday.

The incident ensued after Gattuso and his team lost in today’s Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League match in Milan.

According to the HeraldSun, after the final whistle, Gattuso was seen rushing over to the Spurs bench and grabbed Joe Jordan, Tottenham Hotspur assistant manager.

Gattuso had later apologized for headbutting Jordan, who said the Associated Press is a former Milan player and a renowned hardman, said the Associated Press. Jordan, added the Herald Sun is a Scottish international striker. And he is way older than Gattuso.

“I lost control. There’s no excuse for what I did,” Gattuso was quoted telling BBC, according to the HeraldSun.

Gattuso further explained, “I was nervous. We were both speaking Scottish”.

In an attempt not to aggravate the already disturbing incident, Gattuso refused to elaborate on the heated exchange between him and Jordan.

He said, “…something that I learned when I played his home city of Glasgow, but I can’t tell you what we said.”

The midfielder noted that he went to Jordan into avoid arguments with the players. Something he regretted doing after the damaged has been done.

“I didn’t want to argue with players and I did it with him, but I was wrong to do what I have done. I will have to await what they decide,” Gattuso said, according to the HeraldSun.

“I take my responsibilities for that”, said Gattuso.

The players in both sides and the public is now waiting for any actions to be taken by the Union of European Football Associations Champions League in the incident after the match in Milan.