Kids at school can be really cruel. Hollywood actress Kristen Stewart remembers being bullied as a kid at school like it was just yesterday. The "Snow White and The Huntsman" star admitted that kids made fun and bullied her because of her tomboy appearance when she was younger.

Stewart is well-known for her laidback fashion style. She was even spotted wearing Converse shoes on the red carpet. However, the "Twilight" actress appeared to be much worse when she was still a teenager. Kristen Stewart claimed that she was a "boy" before turning 15 years old.

"I hated school so much. Look at a picture of me before I was 15. I am a boy. I wore my brother's clothes, dude!" Stewart told The Sun. There also came a time in her life that the clothes she wears at school is not the only problem or issue. Her personal hygiene became another source of teasing for Stewart.

"I remember this girl in sixth grade looked at me in gym and was like: 'Oh my god! That's disgusting. You don't shave your legs!'" the young actress shared.

Recently, Kristen Stewart was named as the "Most Fashionable Star" but she said that she never really cared and gave that much thought on fashion during her teenage years.

"I remember being made fun of, because I wasn't wearing designer Juicy Couture jeans," she revealed. "I didn't even think about it. I wore my gym clothes," Stewart further shared. Even though Kristen Stewart appears to be unfazed with the non-stop criticisms regarding her look, the actress has confessed that the kids who bullied her at school really had a strong effect on her.

"But it's not like I didn't care that they made fun of me. It really bothered me." Stewart said.

Well, Kristen Stewart can now have the last laugh. She already established herself as a famous young actress in the film industry with a unique sense of style that fashion designers approve of. Not only that, she also managed to capture the heart of the "Twilight" actor and heartthrob, Robert Pattinson.