After finding out that the smallest erect penis was about 4cm long, largest was 26 cm long and the average penis size among men was about 12.2cm, research scientist and sex expert Debby Herbenick, PhD, MPH is working on a new project: What do you like about your Vulva and Vagina Poster Project.

Ms Herbenick said, "As a field, I'd like to see more studies that examine women's genitals. There have been numerous studies of penis and very few studies that examine the size of the female genitals. Through size doesn't matter to everyone, it matters to some people. We have found fairly consistent results for penile dimensions."

"But what about women? Especially given how increasingly common it is to see advertising for female genital cosmetic surgeries, such as labiaplasty, it might help more women to see that there is a wide range of labia size and shape, glans clitoris size and shape, not to mention coloration, etc."

"I am so passionate about helping women to think positively about their genitals that I have been working with a local artist (Erin Tobey) to CREATE A BEAUTIFUL ART POSTER - based on our scientific research - that shows what women like about their genitals!"

The poster which will feature caricatures of different vagina type with real quotes from real women talking about the particular thing they like about their genitals.

One of the real quotes to be use in the poster was from a woman saying that her labia are "unique, beautiful, neat looking, only mine look mine."

Some of the quotes go, "they're fun, intriguing and has mystery."

"They're absolutely beautiful, one labia is slightly longer and folds over the shorter one, and I have a slight freckling on my outer labia.

"They are cozy and comfortable, they bring me and my lover together."

Also, Ms Herbenick together with other scientists for the poster project are planning to print separate post cards of each of the vagina caricature with the specific quote to make sharing more fun and meaningful especially to the people who need a "little vulva-positivity."

Watch video here:

According Ms Herbenick, the poster project suggests that:

  • Women generally feel all right about their vulvas and vaginas, but could stand to feel more porsitively
  • Women who feel positively about their genitals tend to take better care of their gynecological health and have more pleasurable, satisfying sex
  • Men tend to feel more positively about women's genitals than women feel about their own genitals.

The Vulva-Positive Mission:

  • We want to counteract the many negative messages out there about women's genitals.
  • When people think about vulvas/vaginas, instead of dirty or gross, we want them to think of words like "awesome" and beautiful".
  • We want to celebrate female genital diversity - to show every vulva is a beautiful vulva in its own unique way.

About Debby Herbenick, PH.D., M.P.H.

Her current research interests centered to women's and men's sexual function like orgasm, arousal and desire. Her works also include sexuality following cancer treatment, vulvar and vaginal pain, and adult's use of sexual enhancement products.

She is a research Scientist and Co-director of The center for sexual Health promotion and a sexual health educator at The Kinsey Institute for research in Sex, gender and Reproduction at Indiana University where she took part in the Erect Penile Length and Circumference Dimensions of 1661 Sexually Active Men in the United States.