Actors Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield pose for photographs at the world premiere of The Amazing Spiderman 2 in central London, April 10, 2014.
Actors Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield pose for photographs at the world premiere of The Amazing Spiderman 2 in central London, April 10, 2014. REUTERS

Emma Stone was having none of boyfriend and co-star Andrew Garfield’s alleged sexist comment. Fans were treated to a glimpse of “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” stars’ petty lovers’ quarrel when Andrew didn’t quite get the meaning of being “feminine” correctly.

During a press conference for their film, Andrew received a question from a kid in the audience regarding the titular superhero’s costume.

“He made it,” he told the kid. “He made it with his bare hands. He sewed it. He took some sewing classes and some needlepoint classes. It’s kind of a feminine thing to do. He made a very masculine costume out of a very feminine...”

He didn’t get to finish what he was saying because Emma interrupted him to ask, “It’s feminine how?”

Amid the laughter of the audience, Andrew replied, “It’s amazing how you took that as an insult.”

“No, I’m not taking that as an insult. I’m asking how it’s feminine,” Emma insisted.

Andrew, sensing that he’s in big trouble with his girlfriend now, began damage control, telling Emma that he was actually complimenting women when he said sewing was feminine.

“It’s feminine because I would say femininity is about more delicacy and precision and detail work and craftsmanship,” he explained.

“Like my mother, she’s an amazing craftsman. She in fact made my first Spider-Man costume when I was 3, so I use it as a compliment. To compliment the feminine not just in women, but in men as well. We all have feminine in us.”

Andrew appeared to be smart enough not only to back away from a brewing fight with Emma, but also to turn what could have been a sexist remark into a compliment.

Despite the brief tension, Emma revealed to Vogue magazine that she actually admires the 30-year-old British actor.

“I think I’ve learned a lot by being around him,” she said of her boyfriend of three years. “And, you know, he is an incredibly important person to me.”

Emma also said that filming the film with her boyfriend is “fun.”

“It’s been fun working with him just because of who he is as an actor and person. I think it would be fun no matter what.”

The feeling is mutual. Andrew wrote an email to the magazine, saying, “I thank my lucky stars that we’ve been able to be on this ride together. We all need companions in the mystery to get you out of your head and into your heart, to moan to and to take the piss out of it all with.”