Angry Birds maker Rovio revealed at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco on Tuesday that the popular video game will add a new bird while preparations for a movie version is underway.

Andrew Stalbow, the general manager for Rovio's operations in the Americas, also showed off a page of an Angry Birds cookbook containing egg recipes. A sample of the book was distributed at the Planet Of The Apps conference in London on Oct. 6.

A new addition in the Halloween update of the game is a small yellow canary, a static image of which was shown at Web 2.0. It is the same image shown in Angry Birds' Facebook account.

Stalbow said Rovio has acquired an animation studio in Helsinki, Finland that will create a video series for broadcasting next year, according to The video will be some sort of a prelude to the Angry Birds movie, which is being handled by the newly-hired former chairman of Marvel. The release date of the movie is speculated to be 2014.

At the summit, Stalbow bared spectacular statistics about the game. He said the number of downloads to date is 400 million with 30 million playing the game daily and 130 million monthly. Users and players are mostly in the U.S. but Chinese fans are increasing, Stalbow said.

Merchandise spinoffs are also popular. Ten million Angry Birds toys, including plush dolls, have been sold.