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How to Identify the Best VPN for Your Needs

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are encrypted networks that create secure tunnels for communication via the internet. They allow users to connect to the internet securely and privately.

Is a polygraph a reliable lie detector?

Attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who’s accused Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, released the results of a polygraph test focused on the decades-old incident. They suggest that Ford’s responses to two questions about her allegations were “not indicative of deception.”
Apple WWDC 2017

Apple, the $1 trillion company searching for its soul

Apple has become the first American company to reach US$1 trillion in market capitalisation – US$1,000,000,000,000 in stockmarket value. Behind this glittering success, however, lies a series of unresolved ethical dilemmas.
smartphone low battery

Why does my phone battery die so fast?

Why do batteries die? This same question has probably crossed the mind of every cellphone user trying to send one last text before the screen blinks off.
