Would annoying pop-up video adverts cause more young people to unfriend Facebook?

The possibility of more members leaving the world's most popular social networking site looms amid reports that Facebook plans to place pop-up ads when members open their account to read News Feeds from their friends.

The Financial Times reports that the 15-second pop-up video will play automatically when the page loads. And although it can be muted by default, the video will start again.

To avoid irritating its 750 million active members, Facebook will see to it that only videos from a single brand would pop up in News Feeds on any single day.

The move aims to cash in on adverts in an effort to satisfy investors. However, the site runs the risk of turning off members, as what is happening among the youth who do not enjoy having their statuses and News Feed being read by their parents also.

Slashgear identified the companies that plan to utilise the latest advertising platform include Coca Cola, Ford and American Express. Other possible advertisers are multinational firms Unilever, Nestle and Diago which have representatives in Facebook's advisory client council board.

For those who want to remain in Facebook despite the planned video pop-up ads, they could instead use apps that block such types of materials.