Female drivers had long been the butt of jokes of motorists, but a woman driver in Ireland unwittingly became a YouTube sensation for her very poor parking skills.

The 14-minute video, seen by more than 2.6 million people, is actually just half of the time it took for the driver to successfully park her vehicle after 30 long minutes.

Her attempts on Fitzroy Avenue in Holylands, Belfast, was videotaped by students Ciaran Doherty and Ciaran Shannon who initially were just watching her several attempts, until they decided to capture it on video after 15 minutes.

The woman initially rejected offers for help, but eventually gave in and acceptance assistance. When she was successful, the videotaping students were heard applauding from a nearby building where they were shooting the parking attempts.

The students, who were surprised that their video became viral in YouTube, found it funny because the space was large enough to park the vehicle easily.

Successful parallel parking is often one of the requirements for a student driver to be granted a non-professional driver's licence.