Dr. Patsy Evans wearing a Guy Fawkes facemask
Dr. Patsy Evans wearing a Guy Fawkes facemask

Not many know this but Anonymous, the decentralized international activist and hacktivist collective that took the Ukraine war to Russians inside Russia with its cyber attacks, has an in-house licensed mental health counselor who is using her deep understanding of the Russian society and ethos to precision target its vulnerabilities.

Dr. Patsy B Evans, known as DocAnon within the movement, however, warned in an exclusive interview with the International Business Times that the Russian people are as much afraid of losing this war as the Ukrainians are, and fear the U.S. could dictate terms to their country if they were to lose.

"We need to expect anger. We need to expect that there will be resistance," she said of the Russians.

Evans used the "abusive lover" metaphor to describe Putin and Ukraine's relationship, where Ukraine is the ex-wife who has taken the kids, noting that "the most dangerous time for a partner leaving an abuser is when they leave the abuser."

She said that the abuser has this resolve that "if he can’t have her, no one will." Putin, she says, thinks he "has nothing to lose" and she fears that the president of Russia "will take it all or burn it down."

Doc Anon

Photo: Dr. Patsy Evans/Twitter

Dr. Evans has specialized in clinical sexology and traumatology, relationships, abuse and disaster relief, and was raised in West Germany in the 70s and 80s. Also known as Doctor Harmony, she says the Russian population has four distinct demographic groups: the celebrator of the great patriotic war or the Boomers; Gen X, who grew up with a fear of Russia and then watched the Soviet Union collapse; the Millennials; and Gen Z.

The last demographic, she says, has known the "relatively freer" modern Russia but is still being raised on a regular dose of Russian state news which relies on over-programming and bot trolls. "So you have a patriotic nationalist generation, a traumatized generation, and two generations that get overdosed on data, and the only tools they have to figure out the truth is what they are given at home," DocAnon explained via Twitter DMs.

Despite the fact that the Iron Curtain ceased to exist in the 90s when communist rule collapsed in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Russian propaganda made sure citizens remained indoctrinated to a collective belief that it wanted its people to subscribe to. Evans said "Russia has been using state-sanctioned news forever and the entirety of the population is primarily hearing what is coming from there."

Russians, she said, "absolutely know that if Russia loses this war, their economy will look like the Germans' after World War 2, wherein a loaf of bread would cost millions of Deutsche marks." Crucially, she says, Russians are also aware that the West, especially the U.S., has a tendency to participate in conflicts and, after the war, dictate how a country should be run.

"If Russia wins, Russians think they will be better off. They are in as much fear as the Ukrainians and, like us, their number one need revolves around their security and safety," Evans explained. "I need everyone to know that when people are in fear of their security and safety, especially of their children, they will be primal and their ability to reason is going to be limited. We need to expect anger. We need to expect that there will be resistance."

While the traumatologist believes that the campaign that Anonymous has spearheaded to bring the truth to the Russians has slowly seeped into the cracks in the monolith of Russian belief, she says the hacktivist collective still has a long way to go. Evans remains optimistic, knowing that like the "cold call sales, the stats are on their side."

Still, in a nod to the limitations of the collective's current efforts, Evans noted that having a Russian influencer to spread the message and the truth will go a long way.

Some background here: As part of its effort to take the fight to Putin, Anonymous created the 1920.in site, which allowed people outside the country to send messages to Russians. Pioneered by the group Squad303, the site has since sent 70 million messages to half of Russia, aiming to combat the government's propaganda and inform Russians of the real facts of the war being fought in Ukraine.

After sending over 70 million messages to Russia on Saturday, Anonymous announced that those who wish to participate could also send messages using Viber.

Anonymous continues to launch an avalanche of attacks against Russia, hacking government institutions, companies that choose to stay in the country, and even CCTVs and security cameras all over Russia. On Wednesday, GhostSec, a group associated with the hacktivist collective and movement, hacked the IT system of Metrospetstekhnik, the provider of Metro services in Russia.

Currently, Russia has nine cities running metro systems.