An Australian mum has taught her daughter and her friends a lesson they would likely not forget. The unnamed mother of a One Direction fan has put four tickets to the British boy band’s Sydney concert on eBay after she found out how her daughter and her friends have been lying to her.

eBay user “tsfe” publicly shamed her daughter by posting on the online auction site a sale for four tickets to the One Direction concert in Sydney on October 25. According to the NSW mother, she decided to sell the tickets because she has had enough of her child’s disrespect.

She bought four tickets for her unnamed daughter’s birthday for her and her three “trollop” friends, but when she found out that the girls, who are presumably in their adolescent or early teenage years, lied about being on a sleepover just to hang out at an older guy’s house, she revoked the gifts.

The text on the post reads:

“THIS AUCTION IS FOR ALL 4 ONE DIRECTION TICKETS IN SYDNEY OCTOBER 25th. You can thank my daughters self righteous and lippy attitude for their sale. See sweety? And you thought I was bluffing. I hope the scowl on your bitchy little friends faces when you tell them that your dad and i revoked the gift we were giving you all reminds you that your PARENTS are the ones that deserve love and respect more than anyone. And your silly little pack mentality of taking your parents for fools is one sadly mistaken. Anyhow. Your loss someone else's gain who deserves them! THE TICKETS ARE SEATED IN ROW O section 57. REMEMBER AUCTION IS FOR ALL 4 TICKETS and will be sent registered post

“...OH YOUR FRIENDS THOUGHT THAT A FEW PRANKS CALLS WOULD PUT ME OFF SELLING THE GIFT WE BOUGHT FOR THEM for YOUR BIRTHDAY because YOU all LIED to us about sleep overs so you could hang like little trollops at an older guys HOUSE????? Pffft!! I find it HIGHLY amusing that you girls think you invented this stuff. Tricks like this on OUR parents is how HALF of you were conceived .....And why a lot of your friends DONT have an address to send that Fathers day card to!!! I'm not your friend. I'm your MOTHER. And I am here to give you the boundaries that YOU NEED to become a functional responsible adult. You may hate me now..... But I don't care. Its my job to raise a responsible adult..not nuture bad habits in my teen age child” (sic)

The bid, as screenshot by joke site 9Gag, already reached $676 on Saturday, though some users noted that it had even reached a whopping $37,200 before the post was either deleted or sold. The auction is currently unavailable from the local eBay site.

It’s not clear if the bids were bogus, but for four 1D tickets, paying tens of thousands of dollars is a bit too much. Perhaps the bids were from the daughter and her friends, hoping to sabotage the mum’s sale?

User tsfe has 100 per cent positive feedbacks on eBay, with some users commending her for being a good buyer.

British boy band One Direction in concert in Sydney in 2012:

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