Women protest against sexual violence and gender inequality in Melbourne
Women protest against sexual violence and gender inequality in Melbourne. AFP / William WEST

The federal government funding will deliver more than 700 safe emergency accommodations to women and children, escaping violence, over the next three years.

"Family and domestic violence is one of the leading causes of homelessness and housing uncertainty for women and children across Australia and we know there is an increased demand for emergency accommodation," Shepparton News quoted Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth as saying.

The government has promised 720 emergency places, which is twice the number offered in the program aimed at improving the safety of women and children. In its 2024 budget, the government had pledged a package worth almost $1 billion to improve women's safety.

The new projects will focus on giving access to women, children, disabled persons and those who need support.

Based on data by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, one in five Australians has experienced abuse at the hands of partners since the age of 15. The Australian Institute of Criminology figures show there has been a 28% rise in the number of women who were killed by partners between 2022 and 2023.

Australia has also seen a spate of domestic violence related deaths recently.

In a recent domestic violence, a woman was fatally stabbed by her partner in Western Sydney.

In another incident last week, three children, aged six, three and 10 months were killed in a fire in Sydney as their 28-year-old father spoiled attempts to save them. The father, who is in an induced coma in hospital, is under police guard.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said his government was committed to ending the violence, SBS reported.

"Yet as the tragic events of recent days have reminded us, we have a long way to go," Albanese stated. "Again, we have seen lives stolen, futures torn away. Every death is its own universe of devastation. Communities are hurt and the families and loved ones left behind carry the sorrow with them for the rest of their days."

Greens MP Larissa Waters criticized the government's program, as it will support just 3% of women and children seeking accommodation.

"Waiting three years until 2027 for these facilities to be built is cold comfort to women and children being killed by family and domestic violence now," Waters said.