Australia welcomes new UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea

The Australian government has welcomed new measures the United Nations Security Council has recently adopted. Australia encourages every member of the international community to fully implement the resolutions.
The UN Security Council has once again sent a message to the North Korean regime that the global community is one against Pyongyang’s illegal weapons programs. UN Security Council Resolution 2375 reportedly sees a total ban on North Korea’s export of textiles, the biggest export sector that has not already been restricted.
More than 90 percent of North Korea’s publicly reported 2016 exports were banned under these new measures. The resolution also limits the volume of crude oil and refined petroleum that can be exported to North Korea, which means its access to oil will be reduced by about 30 percent.
But a recent analysis by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies suggests that an oil embargo would not have much impact in the long run. The analysis states that Pyongyang could replace oil with liquefied coal. Furthermore, the new measures ban new work permits for North Korean workers. It would restrict source of funds estimated to be worth $620 million annually.
These stronger sanctions will enforce significant costs on North Korea and provide additional restrictions to its ability to fund and operate its weapons programs. Australia urges all members of the international community, including China, to use its unique economic leverage over Pyongyang as it would lead to further pressure on the North Korean regime.
According to a media release published at, Australia will move fast to implement the measures under the new resolution. The nation will continue to work alongside its partners to sustain global peace and stability.
Analysts say diplomatic success will be measured by the ability of world powers to persuade Pyongyang to stop its nuclear and ballistic missile tests. Arms Control Association executive director Daryl Kimball said there is no only-sanctions strategy that will bring the North Koreans to heel.
“It has to be paired with a pragmatic strategy of engagement. But those talks are not yet happening,” The New York Times quotes Kimball as saying. Arms Control Association is a disarmament advocacy group based in Washington.
Meanwhile, the Chinese envoy, Liu Jieyi, warned the United States against efforts at “regime change” as well as the use of military force. “China will continue to advance dialogue,” he said.