Author who spent 10 days with Jihadi John says IS planning nuclear holocaust to kill millions

Over the weekend, the perceived threat of an Apocalypse because of the lunar eclipse and blood moon on the same day was not taken seriously by many people. Rather than fear the world coming to an end, folks instead went out on Sunday night and watched or photographed the supermoon.
However, barely days away from that lunar event, a real threat appears to loom, no thanks to the notorious Islamic State, or IS, which is reportedly planning a nuclear holocaust to kill millions of people. Mirror cites an author who spent 10 days with Jihadi John – Mohammed Emwazi in real life – as the source of the news.
German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer shares the planned “largest religious cleansing in history” by the terrorist organisation. The 75-year-old former MP of the CDU Party, who left politics in 2000 and became a war correspondent, managed to escape from Jihadi John.
He wrote the book “Inside IS – Ten Days In The Islamic State” which revealed the nuclear holocaust plan. However, the news reports about the author did not provide details on the nuclear holocaust plan.
But National Interest lists five ways in which a nuclear war could still happen. It says that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists having placed the hands of the clock at five minutes to midnight does not mean much and never has, citing reduction in world nuclear inventories led by the US and Russia. Although nuclear war is not impossible, it is improbable, the Web site notes.
The five ways are by mechanical accident, human error, show of force, dragged into it by someone else not expected to and a sore loser scenario. The IS threat could possibly be under the fourth scenario, although it capability to launch a nuclear attack could be a big question mark because the Islamic terror group is more known for resorting to tactics used in the Middle Ages to kill people such as decapitation and stoning to death.
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