Zayn Malik of One Direction is dubbed by his fan base as the "bad boy" of the group. Now, who knew that even Malik's sister had run the same way? Doniya Malik, Zayn's sister, is getting bad publicity following the stunt she pulled on the web selling off One Direction merchandise. Was this really a big issue needed to be dealt with by 1D Management?

Doniya Malik had genuinely meant no harm when she started selling One Direction merchandise. Malik's sister didn't intentionally infringe on One Direction copyrights but Doniya did sell off 1D stuff making her accountable.

"Doniya didn't specialize in 1D merchandise, but rather took orders from customers for personalized items. Since many of her buyers were well aware that Doniya is the sister to one of the hottest boy banders on the planet, a lot of them requested customized, personalized One Direction-themed items, to which she obliged," reported The Sun via SugarScape.

"Doniya had no idea she was doing anything wrong," stated the source, adding, "She was mortified when she heard it was a problem and took the site down immediately."

Malik's sister and her business act had gotten her into hot water with One Direction's management. While Doniya might have taken a slight whipping from the 1D management, some "Directioners" aren't at all too forgiving.

Doniya ranted all about the misunderstanding on Twitter. Obviously, Malik's sister did not have bad intentions and was simply filling orders sent out by fans. Still, it couldn't have been a problem if Doniya had asked One Direction's management about the orders especially when it came to legal matters.

"Would jus like to say 4 all those who have read the stupid sun article on my t-shirts that they have twisted the whole situation," stated Doniya's tweet which was followed up by, ".I never sold one direction merchandise.. I made personalised t-shirts of what customers requested!!"

By the looks of it, Doniya's business is out of luck which is too bad given Malik's sister does have a knack for styling and creating cute t-shirts. For one, "Directioners" have to find another online store to cater to their 1D needs.