Despite the entire buzz around Bieber's bare butt, there are other pressing issues worth talking about. Justin Bieber and his mother, Pattie Mallette is currently working on a $10 million dollar film that speaks against abortion.

It's an all new family-related drama turned short story that is bound to get a lot of people talking on birth control, sex and everything in between.

It's no secret that Justin Bieber is a mama's boy and a devout Christian. Given Bieber was raised by a devout Christian as well, his mom, Pattie Mallette. Yet, there are still further plans for Mallette and her successful son. Fox News along with Huffington Post reports that Bieber and his mother are producing a short film that aims to fight abortion. Pattie Mallette is set to become the executive producer for "Crescendo."

""Crescendo" makers hope to raise $10 million for pregnancy centers at screenings worldwide starting Feb. 28. Mallette herself will appear at some of these," states Fox News.

"Pattie has written and spoken about addiction and abuse that led to her teenage pregnancy. She hopes her involvement will let women know that there is a place to go, people who will take care of you & a safe home to live in if you're pregnant and think you have nowhere else to turn," stated Pattie in the interview.

While some "Beliebers" may dub the said film as a worthy cause, it is sure to spark controversy and debate.

"The move will likely have some controversy surrounding it, because not only is Bieber's name indirectly attached to something that can impact his large, young, impressionable female fanbase, but because it's coming along on the heels of the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court case that legalized abortion nationwide in the United States," states Huffington Post.

"What's more, pregnancy centers have recently come under some harsh, possibly deserved criticism for appearing to be clinics offering a wide range of reproductive health services - when in actuality many have been accused of offering biased and occasionally inaccurate information to encourage patients to avoid abortion as an option," continued the post.

Still, with details of the film a bit scarce, "Crescendo" is set to air worldwide on February 28. Proceeds from the film will be donated to pregnancy centers. Hopefully, Bieber and his mother's film would certainly do more help than harm.