“Big Brother Australia” has gotten rid of its cat! Mikkayla has been evicted from the house, leaving her bestie Jade in tears and her “son” Mr Clooney devastated over her departure. But while BB has sent other evictees touching farewell videos of their time in the house, Mikkayla got robbed of a good send-off video, which was just basically about Tahan and Tim.

It was the moment of truth among nominees Mikkayla, Tahan, and Boog. And after Boog’s name was announced by host Sonia Kruger as safe, Mikkayla was the most likely to go. And she was the one who left.

It’s not because viewers were tired of her in-your-face attitude, Tahan is also as outspoken and emotional as she is. However, with the way Tahan’s supporters have been going all out this week to evict Mikkayla, it’s no wonder she was evicted.

Also, how could a teacher’s family and friends compete with a model’s V8 Supercar driver boyfriend who, by the looks of it, is also friends with BB main voice Leon Murray?

It’s impossible, really.

As David Reynolds, Tahan’s boyfriend, has more influence and followers on Twitter (not to mention, is richer), Tahan definitely has an unbeatable advantage.

Read about blogger Leesa Little’s theory on why Big Brother favours Tahan so much here.

What is surprising is that the eviction night on Monday somehow appeared to be anti-Mikkayla. Perhaps this writer is just imagining it, but, basing on Twitter reactions, the show has connived with Tahan’s supporters to give Mikkayla a really, really awful send-off.

First up are the “boos.”

When Tully, unquestionably the most talked about housemate of the current season, heard the live audience booing her as she was being interviewed by Sonia at one time, she became devastated enough to think that it was her time to go the next week. But next week came and she was still in the house. The boos were also gone.

People assumed that the show has specifically forbidden the live audience from booing housemates, which was just right.

However, on the eviction night episode, every time Mikkayla’s name was announced by Sonia, the boos were so loud that it’s hard not to think that maybe David has used his influence to gather all Tahanians in the studio. Or if not, at least the show should have told the audience not to heckle any housemates, including Mikkayla.

But they did no such thing, Perhaps they just didn’t have any control over their audience? Possibly, but that’s just doubtful.

As evictee Rohan had put it on Twitter:

Did Tahan's boyfriend buy all the tickets for tonight's eviction show as well? #bbau #sugardaddy

— Rohan Mirchandaney (@RohanBBAU) October 16, 2013

Sure, Mikkayla has detractors. Lots of them, in fact. But it’s doubtful that she has more than any other housemate. One thing she had that others didn’t was her constant feud with Tahan. And if the mounting evidence is to be believed, then her supporters would have no chance against Tahan’s army.

That’s also the most likely reason why Boog, who’s only over two weeks in the house, has had a higher vote percentage of 26.7% against Mikkayla’s 25%. Tahan’s supporters vowed to vote for Boog as well to get rid of Mikkayla.

The second thing that was questionable about the episode was Mik’s send-off videos. Every evicted housemate has been given moving goodbye videos, full of their funny, loving, and memorable footage in the house. However, Mikkayla’s was full of cringe-worthy scenes.

The teacher looked uncomfortable while watching her videos, and it’s easy to understand why. Instead of hilarious, kind, or loving moments, she was shown her not so flattering scenes. Her videos just showed her bossiness and her arguments with the others. As comments on Twitters have noted, her farewell video starred Tahan and Tim really.

Viewers got to give her props, though. Though she remained passive while watching her poorly composed farewell videos, she only lost composure when she was shown Mr Clooney’s clips. The poor girl really loves the dog! Here’s to hoping Mikkayla is given custody of Mr Clooney once the show is over.

Lastly, Sonia’s questions were also about Tahan, Tim, and the other housemates, including Mr Clooney, rather than about her. Here are some Twitter reactions on BB’s treatment of Mikkayla’s exit:

From evictee Matthew:

It's interesting how they only showed Mikkayla being a bossy and agry person in the house on her eviction interview. #BBAU — Matthew Filippi (@MattBigBrother) October 16, 2013

From evictee Rohan:

Jeez you could have at least shown some good footage of the poor girl, look at Mikkaylas face... #bbau

— Rohan Mirchandaney (@RohanBBAU) October 16, 2013

Not a big Mikkayla fan, but she did get a rough eviction edit. #BBAU — Claudia_S (@Claudia_BBLover) October 16, 2013

the look on #mikkayla's face is heartbreaking :( way to go @BBAU9 for bullying a personal on national tv! #BBAU

— Nikki Hunt (@nikkygrl) October 16, 2013

Good job turning Mikkayla's eviction into "The Tahan show" #BBAU Shame shame shame..so bias..done with it for this year!! — Marianne Wilke (@Marimi77) October 16, 2013

Shame on @bbau & @SoniaKruger for making miks eviction about tim & tahan +what's with dat footage? I knw u have favouritism & all but c'mon

— annaanna (@ramallamabambam) October 16, 2013

@Mikkayla_BBAU13 @BBAU9 even my mum who hates Mikkayla can agree how bias it is. Seriously, it's not just fans who see through your bullshit — Alex Mav (@AlexMav27) October 16, 2013

Why is #Mikayla getting grilled when #Tully was treated with kid gloves. Careful @BBAU9 your bias is showing #BBAU

— Natalie Waite (@presley23) October 16, 2013

It’s unfortunate that Mikkayla wasn’t afforded the same treatment as the other evictees. This writer feels that something’s amiss about how the show has portrayed her in the episode. Perhaps this isn’t really the case and all of the aforementioned were just imagined.

But truly, any housemate who has become a valuable member of the house one way or the other deserves better than that.

Mikkayla answers viewers’ questions:

Watch the full episode:

Tim & Mikkayla End Friendship + BB Voice Shows Partiality Towards Tahan [READ]

Is Big Brother Australia Biased Towards Tahan? Proofs That The Show Wants Her To Win Exposed [READ]