“Big Brother Australia” has let go of another housemate again on Monday night, and this time, it’s a bit expected. Although many people online are chanting Tully’s name to get evicted, it still wasn’t her time to move out of the house just yet.

Every week has been the same battle cry for the many non-Tully fans. It doesn’t matter if she’s nominated or not, her critics just want her out of the house. But again, the social media strategist has strong voting followers on social media, therefore giving her another week at least in the house.

So who was the unlucky housemate who was voted off this week?

It’s none other than Heidi, the radio jock from NSW who had been Tim’s frenemy in the house, unfortunately didn’t get enough public votes to save her.

She started off as the female version of Tim, just as bubbly and just as naughty. As the two had admitted at the recent late night feast, they would have been a power couple in the house had Heidi, who has a boyfriend, been single.

But alas, they’re partnership wasn’t really meant to be. Two outgoing and outspoken personalities can still become too loud for each other to handle, and Heidi was the first to crack at Tim’s supposedly manipulative attitude. She led her mini crusade against him, tagging best friend Ed along with her. At one time, Heidi and Tim even had a stand-off, proclaiming that they don’t trust each other. But all was well in the end, apparently, as the two made up and settled their differences.

That’s why when she left, Tim couldn’t help but tear up.

Heidi wasn’t afraid to try on new things in the house. During the first late night feast, she did not hesitate to suck on Ed’s toes when she was dared to. And although she was visibly shaking from fear, she was still able to overcome a few minutes’ terrifying experience of being surrounded by a real live snake, thanks to Jade’s pep talk and support.

But even with Jade cheering her on the time when she needed it the most, Heidi still couldn’t seem to force herself to like the 23-year-old model. As the DJ said, “everything about her [Jade] annoys me.”

Another housemate that she hadn’t been close to was Ben. They started out fine, but their relationship went plateau from there on. Heidi’s message from the grave to the housemates tackled her strange non-relationship with the 30-year-old quirky old soul, to which Ben just replied, “Interesting.”

Even Mikkayla, who took her to the Presidential Suite with her, didn't escape Heidi's bluntness. She told the English language teacher to "stop barking at people" and just listen to them.

Here her message from the grave here:

The recent evictee answers viewers’ questions:

Earlier, the Hot Pantz (Jade, Heidi, Tully, Mikkayla, Tahan, and Katie & Lucy) beat ManDate (Ed, Matthew, Tim, Drew, and Ben) with the most number of “likes” on the Big Brother social media pages. Hence, the girls performed live (read: lip synched) to their winning song “Shake It Around” during the live eviction show.

The forbidden relationship that is Drully (Drew and Tully) continue their affair on national television as they fight and make up several times in a span of a few days. Their usual topic of disagreement? It’s how often Drew apparently throws tantrums at Tully, and how he talks to Jade about her.

If those issues seem like the reverse of the real situation, they probably are. Tully has been throwing tantrums at Drew and at everyone and everything else if she doesn’t get her way, but Drew appears to be too smitten with her to notice.

The other housemates were not oblivious to their unusual friendship. Matthew even irritatingly commented how the two lovers’ whispers in the dark kept him awake at night.

Mikkayla has wisely summed up her observation in the house, saying, “There are people in here who don’t realise that one day we’re going to have to face the outside world. These walls aren’t going to protect us forever.”

Outside the house, Tully’s now ex-girlfriend Tahlia is taking the high road. After declaring that she’s now single on Twitter, which therefore meant that she has dumped the housemate, Tahlia refuses to talk negatively about Tully.

Although she admitted that what Tully did (and is doing) on TV had hurt her, Tahlia has still defended Tully from critics, showing just how truly well she’s handling things.

People. Stop tweeting me horrible things about Tully and making it seem like I would support your comment. I don't.

— TAHLIA. (@beginnersblood) September 9, 2013

Yeah she fucked up, yeah I'm upset. Does she deserve abuse and death threats from randoms? No. Grow up. — TAHLIA. (@beginnersblood) September 9, 2013

‘Big Brother Australia’ Showdown Recap: Mikkayla Wins, Tully Grouches + Tahlia Twitter Update [Read]

‘Big Brother Australia’ Battle Of The Bands: Hot Pantz Vs ManDate [Read]

‘Big Brother Australia’ Late Night Feast: Tully Answers Questions About Drew And Tahlia [Read]