“Big Brother Australia” late night feast is as naked as ever. The guys in the house stripped off once more, and one female housemate went topless. Drew and Tully took their relationship into the next level. Also, Tim and Lucy pashed and dashed. What about Caleb?

First off, the show seemingly now revolves around the forbidden relationship that is Drully. For the past several episodes, Big Brother has been showing how Drew and Tully’s relationship has been progressing. What started out as normal friendship between a guy and a girl quickly developed into something flirtatious and, recently, something more.

It should have been fine, but Tully has a girlfriend outside. What they don’t know is that Tahlia, Tully’s girlfriend, has broken up with her after watching an episode of the two housemates take their flirting a step further.

“You actually made my whole life easier,” Tully told Drew moments after she walked out on him.

She had been grilling him about his ex-girlfriend, whom he said he would give up everything for. His answer didn’t sit well with the social media strategist, perhaps thinking that Drew should forget about an ex-girlfriend for her.

“Like heaps easier,” Tully continued a few seconds later when Drew remained quiet. “Because here I’m being stressed when there’s no need... Like why would I be stressed if I don’t need to be stressed.”

Later on, Drew asked Tully if she would leave Tahlia for him. Tully gave a sketchy and accusing answer.

Read more of it here:
‘Big Brother Australia’ Eviction Night: Who’s The 6th Evictee? (Hint: Not Tully!) [Read]

Tuesday night’s episode also showed a lot of stolen kisses from the two. At one time they had gone to a bathroom, thinking that the camera wouldn’t be able to see them lock lips.

In other housemate news, Ed and Matthew stripped off again. In what seems to be a tradition every late night feast, the two house hunks showed off their “talent” on the Big Brother’s Got Talent stage. Needless to say, it was a hit among the housemates, especially the girls and Ben.

Tim and Lucy seemed to have taken the couples’ dancing a little further than necessary. When dared to kiss, the two didn’t hesitate to do so. They French kissed once more when they were on the tub, with Lucy apparently giving Tim kissing lessons. Tim already admitted to the boys that he’s starting to fall for Lucy so their kissing might not be innocent on his part.

“Lucy’s a very nice girl. And I don’t do pash and dash with nice girls,” Tim told Big Brother.

Jade and Ed seem to be permanent pashing partners every Friday night (the day when they shoot late night feasts). Nothing new about them, except maybe that Ed was the one who went into Jade’s bed rather than the reverse.

“It’s getting old, Big Brother. It’s getting boring, actually,” Tahan said of the JadEd romance to Big Brother in the Diary Room.

There was a lot of licking involved as well. Tahan got a taste of Ed’s upper torso and took a shot of lime from Tully’s mouth.

“It wasn’t talent. I can do that,” Drew remarked to Big Brother in the Diary Room the next day.

Last week’s late night feast showed Tully dancing topless in the pool. This time, another housemate flashed her breasts. Lucy appeared to have enjoyed the party a little more than her sister Katie. Not only did she exchanged mouth fluids with Tim, she also bared her breasts for the briefest of seconds to no one in particular.

“Sorry mum, sorry dad,” the clearly unapologetic Lucy said the next day.

Watch the full episode here:

‘Big Brother Australia’ Nominations Recap: Drew And Ed Betray Jade + Tahan Declares War [Read]