No one said that “Big Brother Australia” eviction nomination night would be easy, but that’s exactly why it’s fun to watch. But first, Ben gets hired by Big Brother himself, and the Halfway housemates got reprieve from their prison-like accommodation.

After the three latecomers – Rohan and the sisters Lucy and Katie – were introduced to the housemates, Tully was visibly withdrawn. The social media strategist was inconsolable, saying she felt that they were being truly segregated from the newcomers so rather than get to know them, she chose not to mingle at all.

But she didn’t have to cry long. Big Brother instructed the Halfway housemates to pack their things and move to the Safe house that night. If it was just the right time or BB was being sympathetic to Tully’s cries, it’s not known for sure. But Tully was beside herself with joy, thanking BB profusely.

Ben, who was unemployed in the real world, was hired by Big Brother as his personal assistant. The 30-year-old quirky Queensland resident even asked his fellow housemates to help him choose an outfit for the interview. Little did he know that his one-on-one interview with the faceless voice was being watched through a live feed by the housemates. And yes, Ben was hilarious as expected.

The eviction nomination night was a revelation. The three latecomers were not asked to participate since they have just stepped inside the house. Matthew, who won the Showdown challenge, was given the nomination superpower, in which he would choose the housemate he wanted to be the secret assassin. The secret assassin would have his points doubled, so whoever the secret assassin nominates would have double points. Just like before, he chose his best buddy Caleb again.

Each housemates had five points each, which they can assign to any housemate they wish to be nominated for eviction. Drew and Jade were automatically nominated after failing to convince the others that their faux marriage was real, so that left only four more spots for nominees, which were occupied by Mikkayla, Sharon, Jasmin, and Tim.

Who voted for whom? Here are the housemates’ votes:
Heidi – Tahan (4), Caleb (1)
Ben – Heidi (4), Tim (1)
Sharon – Tahan (3), Tully (2)
Tahan – Ed (1), Sharon (4)
Jade – Jasmine (3), Tahan (2)
Drew – Mikkayla (3), Heidi (2)
Matthew – Mikkayla (3), Tim (2)
Tim – Mikkayla (1), Jasmine (4)
Jasmine – Tim (3), Mikkayla (2)
Xavier – Sharon (4), Mikkayla (1)
Mikkayla – Jasmine (4), Tim (1)
Tully – Mikkayla (4), Tim (1)
Ed – Mikkayla (3), Tim (2)
Caleb – Sharon (3), Heidi (2)

Since Caleb was the chosen secret assassin, his points doubled, which means that Sharon, whom he gave three points, actually had six, and Heidi, whom he gave two points, had four.

The nominees seemed to be resigned to their fate, but no one took it harder than Mikkayla, who led the nominations with 17 points. The English language school teacher started questioning if she was the person she thought she was. She told BB in the Diary Room that she thought she was a nice person, but apparently, the others don’t see her as such.

The housemates who voted for her had one thing to say about her: she’s a bit bossy. BB said that perhaps it Mikkayla was just used to being bossy because of her job as a school teacher, and the housemates agreed.

As Big Brother pointed out, the people in the Safe house shouldn’t feel so safe yet. The nomination wasn’t final yet, and host Sonia Kruger told the audience that one of the housemates in the Safe house would trade place with a nominee.

After the tensions and emotions on the nomination night, the family dinner the next night proved to be anti-climatic, though. Tim, who found himself stuck on the other bad side of the house until eviction night, suddenly didn’t want to partake in dramas.

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