After reported to be detained by the Manchester Police because of an altercation that led to exchanging of punches outside a Manchester club, the CCTV footage involving Billy Slater's encounter with an unidentified man has been exposed.

Slater, who is part of the roster of the Australian National Team for the Rugby League World Cup, has been informed by the police that he may sue the attacker on the ground of self-defence.

The Rugby star allegedly returned for his jacket, which he left inside the establishment, but the other party perceived that Slater pushed into the line.

Speaking in a press conference, Slater kept mum about went really went on during the incident.

"I'm not going to sit here and go through the finer details of the events," said Slater.

"I think it has been well documented and the police report has the facts in it."

"I'm disappointed that spotlight is on this and not the tournament and the games we've played."

"I just want to express my disappointment there and move forward."

He immediately called his family after the incident, for them not to worry, and disclosed a valuable lesson that he has learnt from the experience.

"That was my main priority, to make sure my family knew I was okay," he revealed.

"It's pretty tough on them being over the other side of the world and hearing stuff like this.So that was my main priority, to make sure they knew I was okay."

"I think we have to be aware of the situations we find ourselves in."

"I suppose it is probably a bit of a wake-up call for everyone when we do go out."

"But I hope what happened last night doesn't jeopardise anyone else going out and having a good time because that is certainly what I don't want."