'Black Sails' Season 3 finale: The biggest battle on the show on both land and sea

After the breath taking storm scene early on in the season, “Black Sails” Season 3 is gearing up to show a massive battle scene in the finale episode. A trailer of episode 10 released by Starz shows the armies of Woodes Rogers and Flint assembling for the final showdown.
[Spoiler alert]
The united force of former slaves and pirates prepare to take the onslaught by the British forces in the next episode. The trailer of the finale shows the British forces arriving on long boats on the island. Flint (Toby Stephens) has personally overseen the defence preparedness of the island and that preparation will now be tested.
The British forces assemble on the shore and are in a tight formation. Flint’s forces, however, are not trained soldiers, but they will take position behind the defensive structure that was constructed in the previous episode.
The battle will not only take place on land, but also the sea. Anne Bonny (Clara Paget) appears to be leading the naval forces of the pirates and former slaves in the next episode of “Black Sails” Season 3. Rackham (Toby Schmitz) will be on the ship alongside Anne.
Captain Benjamin Hornigold (Patrick Lyster) appears to be leading some troops on the island. The British troops were bolstered by Eleanor (Hannah New), who knows what a formidable adversary Flint can be.
Flint may not have taken into consideration the sudden influx of additional soldiers in the British army. It is still not clear whether the pirate Blackbeard (Ray Stevenson) will take part in the battle. Blackbeard saw Charles Vane (Zach McGowan) as a son, but the two parted ways after Vane took up a sword against Blackbeard to defend Flint.
Flint is resolute in resisting the British forces in the “Black Sails” Season 3 finale. Will the pirates be able to take back Nassau? Or will the British forces be able to subdue them once and for all.
Credit: YouTube/ Starz