Samsung Gets Slapped with Labor Laws Violations by Brazil

The Labor Ministry of Brazil is filing a suit against Samsung, the world’s largest smartphone maker, over poor working conditions of the workers in its factory located in Manaus. The ministry is seeking damages to the tune of about $108 Million.

Australian Stock Market Report – Afternoon 8/15/13

The Australian sharemarket finished a touch lower, with the All Ordinaries Index (XAO) slipping by just 0.1 per cent or 4 pts. Continued concerns of Fed tapering in QE is still keeping investors on edge in the US, with the DOW slipping by 0.75 per cent.
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Residents Oppose Expansion of Rio Tinto Coal Mine in NSW Hunter Valley

Angry Hunter Valley residents in the Australian state of New South Wales protested on Tuesday the coal mine expansion plan of mining giant Rio Tinto (ASX: RIO). The anti-mining protest was held on the day that the NSW Supreme Court heard arguments about the future of the Mount Thorley Warkworth coal mine.

Auckland Company Accused Of Abusing Migrant Workers

Auckland company E-Advance Limited is accused of exploiting migrant workers. The alleged victims claim that the employer, which helps migrants to find jobs in New Zealand, has been causing them “emotional and psychological stress.”

Australia Tops List of Nations Where it is Costly to Study, Canada is Cheaper

Students wanting to study overseas, particularly in Australia, either need to have been able to have saved a lot or at least able to maintain two jobs to be able to afford paying for their tuition costs and other expenses. According to a new research HSBC, Australia ranks the list of most expensive countries for oversea students, followed by the United States, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Canada is cheaper.

Dubai Airport Repairs to Cut Qantas Flights to Middle East, Europe (VIDEOS)

There would be lesser flights by Australian flag carrier Qantas to the Middle East in 2014 when the Dubai Airport undergoes runway repairs for three months. Dubai Airport authorities advised Qantas in April for the air carrier to reduce by 50 per cent its flights to the second-busiest international airport in the world while two runways would undergo maintenance.

Australian Stock Market Report – Afternoon 8/13/13

The Australian share market performed strongly again on Tuesday, as buying in key stocks the Commonwealth Bank (CBA) and CSL Limited (CSL) ahead of their earnings results tomorrow fuelled a rally. Positive sentiment across Asia also helped while Treasury's release of its Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Outlook (PEFO) failed to inspire investors when it was released on market open.

Interest Rate Troubles and a House Price Bubble

How times have changed. The front page of the Australian Financial Review says the 'RBA 'risks' house price bubble' now that it has pushed rates to a record low. They've got it wrong of course, on two counts.

Uranium Steadies

By Greg PeelLast week an institutional buyer entered the spot uranium market looking for offers on one million pounds of U3O8, setting off a scrambling run on prices from their dreary depths.

The Great Market Seesaw

By Peter Switzer, Switzer Super ReportThere is no better time of the year than September to ask the question ? is the market going up or down.

Euro Zone Finally Moving Out of Recession

Official data to be released on Wednesday will confirm that the eurozone will soon exit the longest recession that dragged its economy for about 18 months or six quarters. The Telegraph said a 0.2 per cent gross domestic product growth rate is expected to be reported.
