A new video has been released as a teaser for the upcoming Call of Duty: Ghosts. The Single Player campaign trailer shows off space scenes, a lot of shooting, and explosions.

It seems like Call of Duty: Ghosts will be taking the missions high up in the air, at least in a sequence

"You never expect something you trust to turn against you. They left us open to full-scale invasion. Our new enemy is advanced from south of the equator, overwhelming an already crippled nation."

Infinity Ward may be ushering in a new world and a new story with this campaign, and in doing so, will showcase too the new next-gen engine that will power the game.

More plans for Kinect integration with Call of Duty: Ghosts?

Call of Duty: Ghosts is now ready for the next-gen consoles thanks to the next-gen engine and graphics that is reported to be groundbreaking sight and experience for the franchise.

Aside from the actual gameplay, Infinity Ward has also taken the liberty of pushing for more support for Kinect with the game. According to OXM, Call of Duty: Ghosts already has support for the Kinect via navigation commands through the user interface.

But in the interview, Mark Rubin of Infinity Ward has stated that they are exploring more ways by which they can integrate the Kinect into the game.

"We've never really been the company that thinks it has to be first in the line for tech. It's the tortoise and the hare thing, and we'd rather be the tortoise, take our time on the tech and make sure it's right," he said to OXM.

"There's a lot of potential for voice in the game, and I'm hoping we can explore that. Whether it makes it into this game, I'm not a 100% sure, but definitely in the future, I think there's some really cool stuff there. "

Call of Duty: Ghosts slated to be one of the most preordered games

Despite the continuing war between fans on which upcoming game or franchise remains as the best first-person shooter game, Call of Duty may end up having a firm grasp on the title as one of the best.

In a recent report from Videogamer, the latest in the franchise, Call of Duty: Ghosts, has been touted as being near the goal of becoming the most preordered game title of the year, as claimed by GameStop.

As proof, GameStop senior VP of merchandising Bob Puzon was quoted to say, "Call of Duty is an entertainment juggernaut and cultural phenomenon. We are excited for the upcoming release of the new installment of this blockbuster franchise. We look forward to celebrating the worldwide November launch of this great game that is on track to be the most pre-ordered title of the year."

Still, this didn't stop Activision from being quoted in previous statements that the preorders of the Call of Duty: Ghosts are well below the projected number. The release date of the game is still on November 5, and it might be that more sales will start to trickle in once people have finally gotten their next-gen consoles during the holiday season.

For PS4 players, there is another incentive if you want to play the game both in the PS3 and the PS4. In a press release obtained by Joystiq, Activision has announced that for $10, you can upgrade your PS3 copy of Ghosts to a PS4.

The only catch is that you have to avail of the $10 promo at a limited time, which is still to be detailed, perhaps once the next-gen consoles are released later this November.