April Fool's Day is in the air but not for Canadian crooner, Justin Bieber, who is still under a lot of fire from the latest scandals he's in.

Facing battery charges, Bieber is set to be sued and jailed for spitting in the face of a neighbour. For one, Bieber's Canadian natives aren't all too pleased. In fact, Justin has been dubbed as a "National Embarrassment" by his own country, Canada.

Justin Bieber has once again been the talk-of-the-town all thanks to the foolishness he has managed to fall into. The 19-year-old singer is faced with battery charges all thanks to the stunt he had pulled last week where he had spit in the face of a neighbour. While this was entirely unforgivable, a Canadian newspaper goes on to call Bieber a "national embarrassment" for not wearing a shirt to an airport.

The original post on "The Globe and Mail" may be found below:

"Poor kid: With all his millions, Justin Bieber still cannot afford a single t-shirt. That's the impression he's giving, walking sans shirt through a Polish airport last night."

"We get it, Justin, you're no longer a teen - you're of legal adult age (at least in your home and native land) and you're flaunting your new man body, with those wicked tats and beefed up pecs. You just can't be bothered with pedestrian clothing. But the most offensive 'wardrobe malfunction' here? His wildly inappropriate lower half. At the risk of sounding prehistoric, what is going on with his pants to underwear ratio? Why is anyone on Team Bieber allowing this, with or without shirt?"

"This is, sadly, just the latest of blips in Bieber's steady landslide in the past six months: He posed with a pistol, met the Prime Minister in overalls, made some ignorant comments about being Native, and had his 'worst birthday ever.' But add to that his apparent encounter with marijuana, his bizarre, grammar-deprived rant on Instagram.. I'm exhausted. Have you had enough?"

"Biebs is quickly becoming the Rob Ford of pop stardom, where each humiliating incident may be insignificant, but when they add up, it all paints a very unflattering picture. This kid, who I admit, I had the highest hopes for - is becoming a national embarrassment."

Well, what do "Beliebers" have to say to that? It is obviously time to retaliate.